Pericles001 / birthday_mailer_cli

CLI tool to automate email sending to friends and relative on their birthdays

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Birthday Mailer : The console

Birthday image


This is a Command line Interface tool made to let devs and console lovers to send automated birthday messages to friends and relative on various canals.


The tool is supposed to work by sending automated message to various applications from the command line.

- Whatsapp
- Telegram
- Sms
- Gmail


For the moment our package is not fully deployed so it only works locally but you still have access to some script commands :

Using npm:

  • npm run dev

    To launch the home of the program where you can get many informations about the purpose and workflow of this tool.


using legacy commands (Preferred option):

These commands are separated into two sets: configuration commands and default commands:

Default commands

  • help
  • info
  • version
  • status
  • abort

Configuration commands

  • config
  • set
  • to


In order to benefit from birthsender services , you need to follow the steps below:

  • 1 - Clone the repository

          git clone
  • 2- Enter the project directory

          cd birthday_mailer
  • 3- Install dependencies

          npm install
  • 4- Choose wether to use npm scripting commands or legacy commands from the program but we suggest you to use legacy commands since they were tested and optimized.

  • With npm commands

          less package.json
  • Read carefully script commands so you can use them further.

  • With legacy commands

          cd src
  • You can view files in the src folder via ls or tree

          ├── bots
          │   ├── gmail
          │   ├── sms
          │   ├── telegram
          │   └── whatsapp
          ├── commands
          │   ├── abort
          │   │   └── abort.js
          │   ├── configs
          │   │   ├── config.js
          │   │   ├── date
          │   │   │   ├── date.js
          │   │   │   ├── day.js
          │   │   │   └── month.js
          │   │   ├── email.js
          │   │   ├── list.js
          │   │   ├── msg
          │   │   │   └── msg.js
          │   │   ├── name.js
          │   │   ├── parameters.js
          │   │   ├── telegram.js
          │   │   └── whatsapp.js
          │   ├── defaults
          │   │   ├── default.js
          │   │   ├── help.js
          │   │   ├── info.js
          │   │   ├── status.js
          │   │   ├── unknown.js
          │   │   └── version.js
          │   ├── set
          │   │   └── set.js
          │   └── status
          │       └── status.js
          ├── mailer.js
          ├── storage
          │   ├── message
          │   ├── targetDate
          │   ├── targetInfos
          │   ├── targetMsg
          │   └── userInfos
          └── storer
          └── store.js
  • The main file is mailer.js , you can execute using :

    node mailer.js /** The second option is preferred to launch the program**/ ./mailer.js

  • The output will be a simple homepage which give most informations about commands :

    USAGE : bd_mailer [--help] [--info] [--status] [--version] []

    A list of usual commands accepted by bd_mailer are exposed here:

    set your personal information up config Configure personal mailer account

    set your receiver's information to Configure receiver's personal details set your personal message set Set your message text list List your friend's information status See status of your current transactions abort Abort the message sending


In order to send your birthmessage , you will need to pass some steps which are mandatory :

Setting up your personal informations

Setting up your friend personal informations

Setting up the message

Sending the message


In case you want to contribute in the project updates, you can do so :

Contribution rules

  • Follow the same coding style used in the js files (semistandard can also be used)
  • Justify any change you have done into the project files
  • Be patient in case you asked for review but have not been approved or even reviewed yet

Contribution tips

  • Follow issues evolution in the repository menu, and ask to be assigned when you are interested or feel competent to resolve one

  • In the repository menu , select the fork option

  • Clone the repository that you have just forked

  • Open the projet directory

  • Work in the feature branch

  • Select the contribute option into your forked repository menu

  • Add a title and a description to your pull request using one of these prefixes depending of what you have done:


  • Into description , cite each action you have made and mention affected files:

    -Subtitute default function by arrow function in index.js -Remove unused variable findErr in tests.js

  • In case your pull request is related to an issue , add a reference to that issue in description

    Resolves #


Pericles Adjovi : Pericles001


Not defined yet


Many resources have been helpful to do this project:

StackOverFlow : Pretty helpful to face off with errors

npm : Many packages that have been used were found there

Project still in development


CLI tool to automate email sending to friends and relative on their birthdays


Language:JavaScript 100.0%