PerfectLaugh / wg-windivert

Proxy network traffic from specific Windows processes with WireGuard

Repository from Github https://github.comPerfectLaugh/wg-windivertRepository from Github https://github.comPerfectLaugh/wg-windivert


Go VPN partially by only proxying specified process name in WireGuard, in Windows.

How to install

Install Golang, then execute following command to build wg-windivert.

go get

The following is the usage:

Usage of wg-windivert.exe:
  -endpoint string
        Server Endpoint
  -ipv4 string
        Internal IPv4 in WireGuard (default "")
  -ipv6 string
        Internal IPv6 in WireGuard (default "::")
  -name string
        Target Process Name(s), use '|' as seperator
  -privkey string
        Client Private Key
  -pubkey string
        Server Public Key

Please notice that you need to put WinDivert binaries (including driver) in executable directory, then execute with administrator privilieges.


Proxy network traffic from specific Windows processes with WireGuard

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 100.0%