PepsiBlue-2002 / Expo-Errors-and-Solutions

List of possible fixes to Expo/Expo Go "There was a problem loading the requested app" Screen

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The aim here is to condense the many issues and many more possible fixes into one place to help those who may need it in the future.
This project has no affiliation to Expo or any whatever's asscoiated with them and only serves to assist fellow users.
I am not an expert, I'm just pissed off that my app won't load.


Request Timed Out


There was a problem loading the
requested app.

The request timed out.
It looks like you may be using a LAN URL. Make sure your device is on the same
network as the server, and that you have granted Expo Go the Local Network
permission in the Settings app, or try using the tunnel conncection type.

Try Again / Go Home

Visit the Issue1(RTO) folder and select


List of possible fixes to Expo/Expo Go "There was a problem loading the requested app" Screen