Pedrojok01 / loyalty_contracts

Loyalty programs on-chain: Easily generate loyalty programs, distribute memberships, emit vouchers and keep track of your best customers!

Repository from Github https://github.comPedrojok01/loyalty_contractsRepository from Github https://github.comPedrojok01/loyalty_contracts

Loyalty - Smart Contracts

Stargazers Issues MIT License


Initial Smart Contracts draft associated with the Loyalty project. Not to be used for production (yet!).


Make sure to uncomment the following line in hardhat.config.js:

solidity: {
    settings: {
        viaIR: true,

then run:

yarn compile


yarn test


Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It runs a suite of vulnerability detectors, prints visual information about contract details, and provides an API to easily write custom analyses. Slither enables developers to find vulnerabilities, enhance their code comprehension, and quickly prototype custom analyses.

yarn slither


Make sure to comment the following line in hardhat.config.js:

solidity: {
    settings: {
       // viaIR: true,

then run:

yarn cover


yarn deploy

Left To Add:

  • Credits features
  • Limit number of promotions per tier (override exisiting promo)
  • Limit airdrop size per tier
  • Add interface support for Subscriptions
  • Add URI per vouchers in Redeemable?
  • Finish Non-Expirable & Collectibles promotions
  • Add Marketing / Referral / Partnerships features (array/mapping of promo/program?)


Loyalty programs on-chain: Easily generate loyalty programs, distribute memberships, emit vouchers and keep track of your best customers!



Language:TypeScript 55.1%Language:Solidity 44.7%Language:JavaScript 0.2%