PedroAnibarro1 / athmovil-android-sdk

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ATH Móvil Android SDK


The ATH Móvil SDK provides a simple, secure and fast checkout experience to customers paying on your Android application. After integrating our Payment Button on your app you will be able to receive instant payments from more than a million ATH Móvil users.


Before you begin, please review the following prerequisites:

  1. An active ATH Móvil Business account is required to continue.
  • Note: To sign up, download "ATH Móvil Business" on the App Store if you have an iOS device or on the Play Store if you have an Android device.
  1. Your ATH Móvil Business account needs to have a registered, verified and active ATH® card.

  2. Have the public and private API keys of your Business account at hand.

  • Note: You can view your API keys on the settings section of the ATH Móvil Business application for iOS or Android.


If you need help signing up, adding a card or have any other question please refer to or contact our support team at (787) 773-5466. For technical support please complete the following form:


Before we get started, let’s configure your project:

  • Add the JitPack repository to your file.
	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }
  • Add the SDK and the GSON library to your application dependencies.
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.evertec:athmovil-android-sdk:2.0.0'
	implementation ''


To integrate ATH Móvil’s Payment Button to your Android application follow these steps:


Add the “Pay with ATH Móvil” button to your checkout XML view.

  • app:theme defines the theme of the button.
Styles Example
default alt text
light alt text
dark alt text
  • app:lang defines the language of the button.
Languages Example
default Uses the device language.
english alt text
espanol alt text


Configure the activity where the payment response will be sent to on your manifest.

        <!--Schema with app bundle Configuration-->
        <action android:name="appbundle.schema" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />


Configure the payment.

Add all required imports to the java file of your checkout screen.

import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.exceptions.InvalidBusinessTokenException;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.exceptions.InvalidPurchaseTotalAmountException;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.exceptions.NullApplicationContextException;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.exceptions.NullCartReferenceIdException;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.exceptions.NullPurchaseDataObjectException;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.objects.ItemsSelected;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.OpenATHM;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.objects.ATHMPayment;
import com.evertecinc.athmovil.sdk.checkout.utils.ConstantUtil;

Create an ATHMPayment object on the main class of the file.

ATHMPayment athmPayment = new ATHMPayment(this);

Configure the payment values and execution on the onClick of the XML button that we recently created. Details of the methods used to configure the payment details are provided below.

public void onClickPayButton(View view) {
	athmPayment.setMetadata1("metadata1 test");
	athmPayment.setMetadata2("metadata2 test");
Method Data Type Required Description
setPublicToken() String Yes Determines the Business account where the payment will be sent to.
setTimeout() Long No Expires the payment process if the payment hasn't been completed by the user after the provided amount of time (in seconds). Countdown starts immediately after the user presses the Payment Button. Default value is set to 600 seconds (10 mins).
setTotal() Double Yes Total amount to be paid by the end user.
setSubtotal() Double No Optional variable to display the payment subtotal (if applicable)
setTax() Double No Optional variable to display the payment tax (if applicable).
setMetadata1() String No Optional variable to attach key-value data to the payment object.
setMetadata2() String No Optional variable to attach key-value data to the payment object.
setItems() Array No Optional variable to display the items that the user is purchasing on ATH Móvil's payment screen. Items on the array are expected in the following order: (“name”, “desc”, "quantity", “price”, “metadata”)
setBuildType() String Yes Identifies the application's build type. Should always be configured as an empty string.

Handle all payment responses.

When a transaction is completed, canceled or expired a response is sent back to the URL scheme that was configured on the payment.

Implement the PaymentResponseListener on the activity of the configured scheme.

public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity
implements PaymentResponseListener, View.OnClickListener {

On the OnCreate method of the activity call PaymentResponse.validatePaymentResponse

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    PaymentResponse.validatePaymentResponse(getIntent(), this);

Handle the payment response with using the following methods:

  • Completed
public void onCompletedPayment(String referenceNumber, Double total, Double tax, Double subtotal,
                               String metadata1, String metadata2, ArrayList<Items> items) {
		//Handle response
  • Cancelled
public void onCancelledPayment(String referenceNumber, Double total, Double tax, Double subtotal,
                               String metadata1, String metadata2, ArrayList<Items> items) {
		 //Handle response
  • Expired
public void onExpiredPayment(String referenceNumber, Double total, Double tax, Double subtotal,
                             String metadata1, String metadata2, ArrayList<Items> items) {
		 //Handle response


  • To test a "Completed" payment response set the value of ATHMPayment.setPublicToken to:ConstantUtil.TOKEN_FOR_SUCCESS. When the "Pay with ATH Móvil " button is pressed an ATH Móvil instance will open and close instantly and a "Completed" payment response will be automatically sent to your app.
  • To test a "Cancelled" payment response set the value of ATHMPayment.setPublicToken to:ConstantUtil.TOKEN_FOR_FAILURE. When the "Pay with ATH Móvil " button is pressed an ATH Móvil instance will open and close instantly and a "Cancelled" payment response will be automatically sent to your app.
  • To test an "Expired" payment response:
    • Set the value of ATHMPayment.setPublicToken to your public token.
    • Open the payment process.
    • Wait for the payment to expire

User Experience



The use of this API and any related documentation is governed by and must be used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Use of ATH Móvi Business ®, which may be found at:



Language:Java 100.0%