PedrV / fcup-ed

Data Structures first year subject at Computer Science Degree

Repository from Github https://github.comPedrV/fcup-edRepository from Github https://github.comPedrV/fcup-ed

fcup-ed (Data Structures)

Data Structures first year subject at Computer Science Degree

- Overview

Data Structures was a subject introduction the fundemental data structures, and their implementation in Java. It had has objectives teach students about data structures and Java, focusing in skills like:

  • Fundamental Java Concepts:
    • Classes, objects, attributes and methods
    • Primitive types, Strings, warappers, arrays and and enum types
    • Expressions, operators and control flow instructions
    • Input/Output and the the Scanner class
    • Packages and default libraries of Java
    • Principles of software development, style and documentation
  • Object Oriented Programming:
    • Goals, principles, patterns and inheritance mechanism
    • Interfaces and Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
    • Using generics and iterators
  • Asymptotic Analysis Concepts:
    • Basic notions of asymptotic analysis
    • Main complexity classes and how to compare them
    • Examples of algorithmic analysis
  • Algorithm Design Techniques:
    • Structures Programming
    • Recursion
    • Exhaustive search and backtracking
    • Divid-and-conquer
  • Fundamental Data Structures:
    • Arrays and matrices
    • Simple linked lists, circular linked lists and doubly linked lists
    • Árvores binárias, árvores de pesquisa e heaps
  • Abstract Data ypes and their possible Implementations:
    • Sequences, stacks, queues and deques
    • Associative containers: sets and maps
    • Priority queues

- Repo Struct

  1. Exercices/exame: Some exercises preparing for the final exam
  2. Exercices/leetcode: Some exericices for some leetcode problems
  3. Exercices/test: Preparation for the pratical test
  4. Exercices/test_pratico: My solutions for the pratical test and the zip with test questions
  5. Exercices/week*: The solution for each week assignment during the semester

Final Grade: 17/20


Data Structures first year subject at Computer Science Degree

License:MIT License


Language:Java 99.9%Language:C 0.1%