PeachMood / geochart

πŸ“Š Library for plotting graphs in the area of geonavigation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ“Š Geochart

Library for plotting graphs in the area of geonavigation

πŸ› οΈ Getting started


For local use of the library, it is recommended to install the following:

Local installation

Clone the repository and move to the directory

git clone
cd geochart

Install the necessary dependencies and build the library

npm install
npm build

Create global link to the library

npm link

Move to the project directory and link the library locally

cd react-example-project
npm link geochart

✨ Components


Workspace that provides an interface for visualizing and editing different types of geophysical data



interface LogViewProps {
  name: string;
  scope: number;
  orientation: Orientation;
  units: Units;
  domain: Domain;
  depth: Depth;
  grid: VerticalGrid;


  • name

    Name of the LogView component. Used as identifier

  • scope

    Scope of the depth values. Specified in centimeters. The standard PPI = 96 is used for calculations

  • orientation

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$

  • units

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$

  • domain

    Minimum and maximum depth values. By default domain is set based on depth data. See Domain for more details

  • depth

    Array of well depth values. Used to render CurveTrack, Curve, DepthTrack and other components

  • grid

    Sets ticks and style of the main and secondary vertical grid lines. See VerticalGrid for more details


Component of the LogView that displays a group of curves on a single scale



interface CurveTrackProps {
  name: string;
  height: number;
  scale: Scale;
  grid: HorizontalGrid;


  • name

    Name of the CurveTrack component

  • height

    The height of the CurveTrack component in horizontal orientation

  • scale

    Linear or logarithmic scale of curve and grid values

  • grid

    Sets ticks and style of the main and secondary horizontal grid lines. See HorizontalGrid for more details


Chart that displays a specific set of data



interface CurveProps {
  name: string;
  data: Data;
  style: LineStyle;
  domain: Domain;
  isContinuous: boolean;


  • name

    Name of the Curve component. Used as identifier

  • data

    The values of the curve. Can be null

  • style

    Properties of the curve line. See LineStyle for more details

  • domain

    Domain of curve values. By default domain is set based on curve data. See Domain for more details

  • isContinuous

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$


Track for depth data display



interface DepthTrackProps {
  name: string;
  height: number;
  main: DepthCurve;
  secondary: DepthCurve;


  • name

    Name of the DepthTrack component

  • height

    The height of the DepthTrack component in horizontal orientation

  • main

    Properties of the main depth track. See DepthCurve for more details

  • secondary

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$


Π‘hart for displaying a two-layer model of the near-well space



interface ModelCurveProps {
  name: string
  height: number;
  palette: Palette;
  borders: Borders;
  data: ModelData;
  domain: Domain;


  • name

    Name of the ModelCurve component

  • height

    The height of the ModelCurve component in horizontal orientation

  • palette

    Gradient properties for displaying the electrical resistivity of the model layers. See Palette for more details

  • borders

    Properties of lines between models and layers. See Borders for more details

  • data

    Array with model data. Displayed continuously, according to the specified left border. See ModelData for more details

  • domain

    Domain of model data. By default domain is set based on models data. See Domain for more details


Π‘hart for displaying azimuth logging



export interface MultiCurveProps {
  name: string;
  isSmoothed: boolean;
  palette: Palette;
  indexes: Domain;
  data: Data[];


  • name

    Name of the MultiCurve component

  • isSmoothed

    Defines the smoothing of an array of curves. Options: to smooth or not

  • palette

    Gradient for defining the color of curve values. See Palette for more details

  • indexes

    Defines the range of zones from which measurements were made. See Domain for more details

  • data

    A two-dimensional array of azimuth logging curves. Each internal array corresponds to a separate curve

πŸŽ‰ Types


Minimum and maximum values of data array to be displayed


interface Domain {
  min: number;
  max: number;


  • min

    Minimum domain value

  • max

    Maximum domain value


Properties of the vertical grid in the horizontal orientation of the LogView


interface VerticalGrid {
  main: {
    style: LineStyle;
    interval: number;
  secondary: {
    style: LineStyle;
    lines: number;


  • main

    Properties of the main lines of the vertical grid

    • style

      The style of the main grid lines. See LineStyle for more details

    • interval

      The interval between the lines of the main grid

  • secondary

    Properties of the secondary lines of the vertical grid

    • style

      The style of the secondary grid lines. See LineStyle for more details

    • lines

      The number of secondary lines between the main lines of the grid


Properties of the horizontal grid in the horizontal orientation of the CurveTrack. The style of the lines is defined by the VerticalGrid


interface HorizontalGrid {
  main: {
    lines: number;
    isDisplayed: boolean;
  secondary: {
    lines: number;
    leftOffset: number;
    rightOffset: number;
    isDisplayed: boolean;


  • main

    Properties of the main lines of the horizontal grid

    • lines

      The number of main grid lines

    • isDisplayed

      Specifies whether to display the main grid lines or not

  • secondary

    Properties of the secondary lines of the horizontal grid

    • lines

      The number of secondary lines between the main grid lines

    • leftOffset

      $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$

    • rightOffset

      $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$

    • isDisplayed

      Specifies whether to display the secondary grid lines or not


Line style of the curve, grid or model borders


interface LineStyle {
  color: Color;
  thickness: number;
  type: LineType;


  • color

    Line color in css format

  • thickness

    Line width in pixels

  • type

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$


Depth properties of the DepthTrack


interface DepthCurve {
  name: string;
  color: Color;
  floatingPoint: number;


  • name

    Depth name. Displayed on the DepthTrack

  • color

    Color of the depth values and labels

  • floatingPoint

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$


Gradient properties


interface Palette {
  gradient: Gradient;
  domain: Domain;
  scale: Scale;


  • gradient

    Array with gradient colors. See Gradient for more details

  • domain

    Domain of the gradient data. See Domain for more details

  • scale

    $\textcolor{grey}{\textsf{Not implemented yet}}$


Properties of the linear gradient. Describes the color change along a straight line


interface GradientColor {
  value: Color;
  position: number;

type Gradient = GradientColor[];


  • value

    Color value of the gradient in css format

  • position

    Color position in the gradient


The style of horizontal and vertical lines


interface Borders {
  horizontal: LineStyle;
  vertical: LineStyle;


Array of two-layer models of the near-well space


interface ModelValue {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  alpha: number;
  roUp: number;
  roDown: number;

type ModelData = ModelValue[];


  • x

    The left depth boundary of the model. Specified in LogView units

  • y

    The upper boundary of the beginning of the layer. Specified in meters

  • alpha

    The angle of inclination of the upper layer of the model. Specified in degrees

  • roUp

    Electrical resistivity of the upper layer. Specified in Om * m

  • roDown

    Electrical resistivity of the down layer. Specified in Om * m

πŸ“’ Usage


All library components are located in the geochart package

import { LogView, Curve, CurveTrack, DepthTrack } from 'geochart';


Place the LogView component in the beginning - this is the workspace for plotting. Then pass the depth data to the component and other parameters at your choice

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <div className="container">
        <LogView depth={depth} orientation="horizontal">

Now place the CurveTrack as a child element - this is a component for grouping graphs. Set the parameters you need

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <div className="container">
        <LogView depth={depth} orientation="horizontal">

Finally, add curves: specify the data, name (must be unique for track), color, range and so on

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <div className="container">
        <LogView depth={depth} orientation="horizontal">
            <Curve name="ROP AVG" data={ropAvg} style={{ color: '#B80C09' }} />
            <Curve name="ACTECDX" data={actecdx} style={{ color: '#FBBB3B' }} />

Don't forget to add DepthTrack

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="page">
      <div className="container">
        <LogView depth={depth} orientation="horizontal">
            <Curve name="ROP AVG" data={ropAvg} style={{ color: '#B80C09' }} />
            <Curve name="ACTECDX" data={actecdx} style={{ color: '#FBBB3B' }} />
          <DepthTrack main={{ name: 'MD', color: '#021D38' }} />

The following charts should be rendered by geochart alt text


πŸ“Š Library for plotting graphs in the area of geonavigation

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 95.2%Language:CSS 2.7%Language:JavaScript 2.1%