PaysanCorrezien / WslContextMenu

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NNN Context Menu for WSL

๐Ÿšง This project is a still work in progress. It's only working in wsl debian for now

A context menu for the NNN file manager running in WSL that offers a range of file operations, including copying paths to clipboard, opening files, and more.

๐Ÿ” Table of Contents

โœ… Prerequisites

  • WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux): Ensure that WSL is installed and set up on your machine.
  • NNN File Manager: This script is designed to work with the NNN file manager.
  • PowerShell: Some functionalities use PowerShell scripts, so make sure PowerShell is installed.
  • fzf: This script uses fzf for its menu system, ensure fzf is installed.
  • BurntToast PowershellModule (Optional) for system notification

๐Ÿšฉ Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone paysancorrezien/wslcontextmenu
  2. Copy the script and the wsl folder to the NNN plugins directory:

    cp wslcontextmenu/wsl_contextmenu ~/.config/nnn/plugins/
    cp -r wslcontextmenu/wsl ~/.config/nnn/plugins/

๐ŸŒŸ Features

  • Copy Paths: Easily copy file paths to your clipboard in both Windows and Linux format.
  • File Execution: Open files using their default application in Windows.
  • Open in Explorer: Directly navigate to the file's location in Windows Explorer.
  • Drag And Drop: Copy file (copy file on explorer equivalent), usefull for Web form, Chat apps.
  • File Properties: Open the properties window for the file.
  • Editor Support: Open files in a specified text editor (configurable).
  • Notifications: Receive notifications for certain operations.

Optional Features

  • Notifications: This feature requires the PowerShell BurntToast module Github . Make sure to install it for notification support. Launch powershell as admins and run :
Install-Module -Name BurntToast -Scope AllUsers

๐Ÿ’ช Usage

  1. Export the plugin variable in your .zshrc:

    export NNN_PLUG='m:wsl_contextmenu'

    For more details, refer to the NNN Wiki on Plugins.

  2. Run the script from within NNN or directly from the terminal, passing the filename as an argument:

    ~/.config/nnn/plugins/wsl_contextmenu filename

Use the fzf menu to select the desired action.

๐Ÿช Customization

To customize the script to your liking, you can modify several variables and functions:

  • Text Editor: Change the NEOVIM variable to the path of your preferred text editor.
  • Drive Mapping: Edit the drive_map associative array if you have additional drives to map between Windows and Linux.
  • New Features: Add new menu items and corresponding actions in the case statement.


  • use wslpath to generate the path instead of my poorly build function
  • remove all log message ( the powershell one !!)
  • Implement real-time file synchronization.
  • Add more file operations like emailing, sharing, etc.
  • Fix known bugs (e.g., CTRL+C issue on the properties window).
  • Change the dragdrop to allow multi file select (another script ?)
  • Clean the code

๐Ÿš Tips


To install nnn on wsl debian just use :

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install pkg-config libreadline-dev tree file chafa
cd ~ # or any dir like ~/repo/ 
git clone
cd nnn
# Apply the patch to restorepreview (usefull with vim and tmux)
patch -p1 < patches/restorepreview/mainline.diff
# Compile nnn with custom flags gitstatus and nerdfonts enable 
# Replace the system-wide installation of nnn with the custom build
sudo cp ./nnn /usr/local/bin/nnn
# Install nnn plugins :
sh -c "$(curl -Ls"

๐Ÿ’€ Symlink

Symlink on linux are not detected by Windows correctly, we cant symlink the repo to ~/.config/nnn/plugins/'

๐Ÿ’– Contributing

If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 59.8%Language:PowerShell 40.2%