Umane Paul (Paulumane)


Geek Repo

Company:Uniting Humanity Academy


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Paul and Chioma here. We’ll be sending you more on the Recipe for Peace in the Mideast, the GATEWAY to Global PEACE and Harmonic co-existence. (We made a bonus video on it that you can download to which you can listen and watch, among other things!) in just a little time. But first we need to ask you a favor… We’re really close to wrapping up the long-awaited three Academic Course Programs. We will be releasing it in mid-April, 2018. But before we do, we have to ask you for a favor. Can you help us out please? You can answer the question (and get a little more detail on the Course Programs). Most importantly, we require your mailing address so that you will not miss out ANY of releases, For those that subscribe to our mailing list now shall get a coupon that will grant them a discount. So watch out for details in the subsequent post!
