PaulTrampert / PTrampert.SpaHost

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Docker image and project template for hosting single page applications. This project implements the Backend for Frontend pattern and Token Handler patterns for single page applications.

Usage as Base Image for SPA projects.

This is the primary use case for this project. The general process is this:

  1. Compile your SPA project
  2. Build an image using paultrampert/spahost as the base image, and copy your compiled SPA into /app/wwwroot
  3. When running the image, provide necessary runtime configs (OpenID config, backend api config, redis, etc.)

A simple Dockerfile might look something like this:

FROM node-lts as build
COPY ["package.json", "package-lock.json", "./"]
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build

FROM paultrampert/spahost as final
COPY --from=build /src/build/ /app/wwwroot/


Configuration is read from the following sources, in order of lowest to highest precedence:

  • /app/appsettings.json
  • /app/appsettings.$ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT.json
  • Custom-specified config files listed in $SPAHOST_ADDITIONAL_APPSETTINGS
  • /run/secrets/*
  • Environment variables
  • Command Line Parameters

Json config keys can be converted to environment variable names in the following manner:

Json Environment Variable Command-Line Parameter
{ "foo": { "bar": "value" } } foo__bar=value --foo:bar value

For more information, see

Files found in /run/secrets/* will be treated the same as environment variables. For example, if you have a file, /run/secrets/foo__bar containing the content value, it would be equivalent to the json config { "foo": { "bar": "value" } }.


Values here are used to configure authentication. If no values are provided, the app will not have any authentication.

Key Type Default Description
AuthConfig__RequireForStaticFiles boolean false Require authentication for files in wwwroot. This is useful if your entire SPA requires authentication.
AuthConfig__CookieConfig__ExpireTimeSpan hh:mm:ss 00:30:00 How long a user's session lasts before needing to re-authenticate.
AuthConfig__CookieConfig__SlidingExpiration boolean true Should the session expiration be reset on user actions?
AuthConfig__OidcConfig__Authority url null The base path of the OpenId Connect server to use for authentication
AuthConfig__OidcConfig__ClientId string null The OpenId Connect client id for this client.
AuthConfig__OidcConfig__ClientSecret string null The OpenId Connect client secret for this client.
AuthConfig__OidcConfig__Scopes__[0-n] string[] null The scopes this client requires. Must always include openid. Should also include offline_access to make sure access tokens can be refreshed.


These configuration values are used to allow your app to play nice with a reverse proxy (e.g. Traefik as an ingress proxy for docker swarm). Sensible defaults for deployment in docker swarm are pre-configured. Most of these values are passed, unmodified, to ForwardedHeadersOptions

Key Type Default Description
ForwardedHeadersConfig__AllowedHosts__[0-n] string[] '*' Array of allowed hosts to be passed in x-forwarded-host
ForwardedHeadersConfig__ForwardedForHeaderName string 'X-Forwarded-For' The name of the forwarded for header
ForwardedHeadersConfig__ForwardedHostHeaderName string 'X-Forwarded-Host' The name of the forwarded host header
ForwardedHeadersConfig__ForwardedProtoHeaderName string 'X-Forwarded-Proto' The name of the forwarded proto header
ForwardedHeadersConfig__ForwardLimit int 1 The max number of reverse proxies to respect
ForwardedHeadersConfig__KnownNetworks__[0-n] array of CIDR network strings "", "", "", "" The networks trusted reverse proxies may be coming from
ForwardedHeadersConfig__KnownProxies__[0-n] array of IP Addresses [] The exact addresses of known proxies
ForwardedHeadersConfig__OriginalForHeaderName string 'X-Original-For' The name of the original for header
ForwardedHeadersConfig__OriginalHostHeaderName string 'X-Original-Host' The name of the original host header
ForwardedHeadersConfig__OriginalProtoHeaderName string 'X-Original-Proto' The name of the original proto header
ForwardedHeadersConfig__RequireHeaderSymmetry boolean false Require the number of header values to be in sync between the different headers being processed.


Antiforgery protection is enabled by default. This means that for requests to authenticated routes, your client application will either need to supply an antiforgery token via a header or a form field. The antiforgery token can be obtained via GET /antiforgery.

Key Type Default Description
Antiforgery__EnableProtection boolean true Enable antiforgery protection
Antiforgery__HeaderName string X-XSRF-Token The header name to look for an antiforgery token in
Antiforgery__FieldName string antiforgeryToken The form field to look for an antiforgery token in


Redis is used to store DataProtection keys in clustered scenarios. For production, the redis used should be configured to persist storage.

Key Type Default Description
RedisConfig__UseForDataProtection boolean false When running replicas, set to true to use Redis to share the encryption keys used for encrypting session cookies
RedisConfig__DataProtectionConnectionString string redis:6379 The Redis connection string to be used for key storage.


This configuration section configures proxies to the back-end api's your SPA requires. See for details on how to configure your api proxies. All api routes will be exposed to your SPA under the /api/ base path.


This project uses Serilog by default. See Serilog.Settings.Configuration for detailed configuration instructions.

Utility Routes

POST|GET /login?redirectUri

This route will issue the authentication challenge. Can be either GET or POST, but either way, needs to be a page load to follow the resulting redirect to the identity provider. Accepts a query parameter of redirectUri which will allow the user to land on the originally requested uri after authentication. redirectUri must be a local uri.

POST /logout

This route will log you out of the application and redirect you to your identity provider for logout. For best results, make sure you use a form POST to this route.

GET /antiforgery

This route will set a cookie named XSRF-TOKEN with an antiforgery token. This token should be supplied in fetch requests via the configured Antiforgery__HeaderName or in form submissions via a hidden input with the name configured in Antiforgery__FieldName.

GET /userinfo

When authenticated, this route will return an array of claims assigned to the current user. The exact list of claims will depend on your identity provider and configured scopes.

Example Response:

        "type": "auth_time",
        "value": "1668133569",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "jti",
        "value": "8211cc80-6550-4752-96af-a32e8f06cc96",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "sub",
        "value": "e10ab9f6-d04b-45f9-8a31-7d63312968f2",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "typ",
        "value": "ID",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "session_state",
        "value": "b8df9292-f1ac-40fb-99f2-80c5600492b2",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "s_hash",
        "value": "VOplksQDiuudOUgBBQYjUA",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "sid",
        "value": "b8df9292-f1ac-40fb-99f2-80c5600492b2",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "name",
        "value": "Test Testerson",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "preferred_username",
        "value": "test",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "given_name",
        "value": "Test",
        "valueType": ""
        "type": "family_name",
        "value": "Testerson",
        "valueType": ""


License:MIT License


Language:C# 65.3%Language:JavaScript 17.9%Language:Dockerfile 6.7%Language:HTML 6.6%Language:CSS 3.6%