Half-page clojure library for routing (dispatching) in web applications.
Routes are represented as hierarchiecal hash-map:
Keys in map could be:
- methods :GET, :POST, :PUT, :DELETE, :OPTION
- hardcoded parts of path, for example "users"
- vector with one keyword - parameter key - match part of path as parameter
if key name ends with
(like :path*), it will match the rest of path There are could be only one parameter key per map. - any not listed keys, which will be present in result of looking up route
- leafs could be anything
(def routes
{:GET 'root
"files" {:path* {:GET 'file}}
"users" {:GET 'list
:POST 'create
[:uid] {:GET 'show
:PUT 'udpate
:DELETE 'destroy}}})
(route-map/match [:get "/unexisting"] routes) ;;=> nil
(route-map/match [:get "/users/1"] routes)
;;=> {:match 'show
;; :parents [all nodes in path to match]
;; :params {:uid "1"}}
(route-map/match [:get "/files/assets/img/icon.png"] routes)
;;=> {:match 'file
;; :params {:path* ["assets" "img" "icon.png"]}
;; :parents ...}
To match route you call:
(route-map/match [requrest-method uri] routes)
Request uri and method are transformed into vector splited by "/" -
GET /users/1 => ["users" "1" :GET]
, which is treated as path in route tree.
If path is found match
returns hash-map:
{:match node ;; matched node
:parents parents ;; all nodes in path to matched
:params params ;; params extracted while matching [:param-name] keys}
otherwise nil.
Library just match routes and dispatch execution is up to you:
(ns mywebapp
[route-map.core :as rm]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]))
(defn list [req]...)
(defn create [req]...)
(defn show [req]...)
(defn update [req]...)
(defn delete [req]...)
(def routes
{:interceptors ['ensure-admin]
:GET list
:POST create
[:uid] {:interceptors ['ensure-user]
:GET show
:PUT udpate
:DELETE destroy}})
(defn app [{meth :request-method uri :uri :as req}]
(if-let [res (rm/match [meth uri] routes)]
(apply (:match res) (update-in req [:params] merge (:params req))
{:status 404 :body "Not found"})))
(jetty/run-jetty #'app {:port 3003 :join? false}))
In ClojureScript scenario you do not have methods
and to handle nested routes in the middle use magic keyword :.
(def routes
{"admin" {"users" {:. 'users-list-view
[:id] 'user-view}
"groups" 'groups-list-view}})
(match "/admin/users" routes)
;;=> {:match 'users-list-view ...}
(match "/admin/users/5" routes)
;;=> {:match 'users-list-view :params {:id "5"} ...}
(match "/admin/groups" routes)
;;=> {:match 'groups-list-view ...}
could be used for links validation in app
(defn url [path]
(if (match path)
(throw Exception. (str "url " path " does not match any paths"))))
One can put additional metadata into routes hash-map and interpret it in some useful way. For example dynamicaly build middlewares stack for specific paths:
(def routes
{:interceptors [ensure-admin]
:GET list
:POST create
[:uid] {:interceptors [ensure-user]
:GET show
:PUT udpate
:DELETE destroy}})
(defn app [{meth :request-method uri :uri params :params :as req}]
(let [res (rm/match [meth uri] routes)
;; collect all :interceptors keys
interceptors (mapcat :interceptors (:parents res))
handler (:match res)
;; add route params to params
req (update-in req [:params] merge (:params res))
;; build stack
stack ((apply comp interceptors) handler)]
;; apply
(stack req)))
Integrate with Prismatic Schema for input validation:
{"users" {:POST [UserSchema create-user]
[:id] {:PUT [UserSchema create-user]
;; somewhere in dispatcher
(let [body (:body request)
;; destruct match
[schema handler] route-match]
(if (s/check schema body)
(handler req)
and generate swagger specification from routes.
Copyright © 2014 niquola
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.