PaulKissinger / amazon-greengrass-hsi-optiga-tpm

Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM - AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration

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AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration: Enable Support for Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM SLx 9670


This document contains step-by-step instructions on how to setup the Open Source TPM Software Stack 2.0 (TSS 2.0) in combination with the tpm2-pkcs11 provider and related software on a Raspberry Pi® 3 Linux environment to use the Trusted Platform Module OPTIGA™ TPM SLx 9670 TPM2.0 from Infineon Technologies as a Hardware Security Module (HSM) for AWS IoT Grengrass using the PKCS#11 Hardware Security Integration (HSI).

The OPTIGA™ TPM SLx 9670 TPM2.0 product family with SPI interface consists of 3 different products:

  • OPTIGA™ TPM SLB 9670, standard security applications
  • OPTIGA™ TPM SLI 9670, automotive security applications
  • OPTIGA™ TPM SLM 9670, industrial security applications

We refer with "OPTIGA™ TPM SLx TPM2.0" to all of the above 3 members of the OPTIGA TPM2.0 product family with SPI interface.

The described steps to use an OPTIGA™ TPM as a an Hardware Security Module for AWS IoT Greengrass on an Raspberry Pi® 3 Linux Environment can be performed with one of the Infineon Iridium SLx 9670 TPM2.0 SPI Boards, listed in the Table below:

Supported TPM Order Type Order number FW Version
OPTIGA™ TPM SLB 9670 TPM2.0 IRIDIUM 9670 TPM2.0 SP001596592 7.85
OPTIGA™ TPM SLI 9670 TPM2.0 IRIDIUM SLI 9670 TPM2.0 SP004232000 13.11
OPTIGA™ TPM SLM 9670 TPM2.0 IRIDIUM SLM 9670 TPM2.0 SP004232004 13.11

The 3 Infineon Iridium Boards are referred in the following as "Infineon Iridium SLx 9670 TPM2.0 SPI Board".

The Software has been tested with Infineon TPMs implementing TCG Revision 1.38 or higher.

Iridium Boards with OPTIGA™ TPM SLB 9670 might have a lower firmware (7.40 or 7.63) and may need to be upgraded first. Iridium Boards with OPTIGA™ TPM SLI 9670 and OPTIGA™ TPM SLM 9670 should have FW 13.11.

Please refer to eltt2 section below on how to check the version of your TPM.

Intended Audience

This document is intended for customers who want to increase the security level of their AWS IoT Greengrass deployments using an OPTIGA™ TPM SLx9670 TPM2.0 from Infineon as a Hardware Security Module, leveraging the capabilities of the AWS Greengrass Hardware Security Intergration (HSI) via the tpm2-pkcs11 provider library.

Getting Started with AWS IoT Greengrass

In case you are not yet familiar with AWS IoT Greengrass please have a look at:

For more details on AWS IoT Greengrass HSI please refer to

It is strongly recommended to follow the AWS IoT Greengrass tutorial before enabling the TPM HSI support using this guide.

Quality and Limitations:

These instructions refers to software that is currently under implementation and can be considered as a public preview in beta quality.

The PKCS11 Library (tpm2-pkcs11) and the underlying TPM2 Software Stack (tpm2-tss) are part of the Open Source Project which is supported, developed and sponsored by Infineon and many others.

The software:

  • is only tested to a limited extend and might not work as expected.
  • is provided as-is, without any waranty and liability.
  • provides the minimum required functionality for Greengrass Device Tester 1.3.1 and IoT Greengrass 1.8.x and 1.9.x
  • has NOT been tested for any additional functionality.

Only RSA 2K Keys and ECC_NIST_P256 keys are supported.

Preparation and Hardware Setup

  • Download latest Raspbian (2018-11) and flash onto SD Card.

  • Plugin Optiga TPM SLx 9670 Iridium Board on Raspberry Pi Header.

    • The chips must be facing the outside of the Raspberry Pi.
    • Pin 1 of the Iridium must align with Pin 1 of the Raspberry Pi.
    • Pin 1 is also marked by a rectangular solder pad on the Iridium board.
  • Plugin SD Card, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse into Raspberry Pi and power it up.

  • Follow basic Raspberry Pi Setup instructions, especially Wifi and User Password.

  • Use 'raspi-setup' to enable SSH and SPI.

  • Update your system with sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.

  • Install latest kernel via sudo rpi-update.

  • Edit /boot/config.txt and add the following line:


    (this tpm-slb9670 overlay applies to SLB 9670, SLI 9670 and SLM 9670).

  • Reboot your Raspberry Pi and check that /dev/tpm0 is available.

  • Follow the AWS IoT Greengrass Tutorial to setup everything correctly.

Check TPM Functionality with eltt2

eltt2 is a small test utility provided by Infineon Technologies AG and is available on github:

git clone
cd eltt2
sudo ./eltt2 -g
cd ..

The output should look similar to this:

TPM capability information of fixed properties:
TPM_PT_LEVEL:                   0
TPM_PT_REVISION:                138
TPM_PT_DAY_OF_YEAR:             8
TPM_PT_YEAR:                    2018
TPM_PT_FIRMWARE_VERSION:        13.11.4555.0

This means your Optiga TPM works as expected. It also shows the Firmware Version of the TPM.

Install TPM Software Stack and Tools

Install preconditions

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt -y install autoconf automake libtool pkg-config gcc libssl-dev \
  libcurl4-gnutls-dev libdbus-1-dev libglib2.0-dev autoconf-archive libcmocka0 \
  libcmocka-dev net-tools build-essential git pkg-config gcc g++ m4 libtool \
  automake libgcrypt20-dev libssl-dev uthash-dev autoconf doxygen pandoc \
  libsqlite3-dev python-yaml p11-kit opensc gnutls-bin libp11-kit-dev \
  python3-yaml cscope

sudo apt-get build-dep libengine-pkcs11-openssl1.1

Download Repositories

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Install libp11 in a recent version

Unfortunately the version of libp11 pkcs11 engine for openssl provided on Rasbian Stretch is too old (0.4.4) and not compatible with this software. So we have to install it manually from the repositories.

Compile and install the correct version:

cd libp11
git checkout libp11-0.4.9
make -j4
sudo make install
cd ..

Download autoconf-archive and deploy to the projects

Unfortunately the version of autoconf-archive provided on Rasbian Stretch is too old and not compatible with this software. We have to download it manually and copy it to the respective repositories.

tar -xvf v2018.03.13.tar.gz
cp -r autoconf-archive-2018.03.13/m4/ tpm2-tss/
cp -r autoconf-archive-2018.03.13/m4/ tpm2-abrmd/
cp -r autoconf-archive-2018.03.13/m4/ tpm2-tools/
cp -r autoconf-archive-2018.03.13/m4/ tpm2-pkcs11/

Install tpm2-tss

cd tpm2-tss
git checkout 740653a12e203b214cba2f07b5395ffce74dfc03
./bootstrap -I m4
./configure --with-udevrulesdir=/etc/udev/rules.d --with-udevrulesprefix=70-
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo useradd --system --user-group tss
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

Install tpm2-abrmd

cd tpm2-abrmd
git checkout 2.1.1
./bootstrap -I m4
./configure --with-dbuspolicydir=/etc/dbus-1/system.d \
  --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system \
  --with-systemdpresetdir=/lib/systemd/system-preset \
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo pkill -HUP dbus-daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable tpm2-abrmd.service
sudo systemctl start tpm2-abrmd.service
dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call \
  --print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames \
  | grep "" || echo "ERROR: abrmd was not installed correctly!"
cd ..

Install tpm2-tools

cd tpm2-tools
git checkout 3e8847c9a52a6adc80bcd66dc1321210611654be
./bootstrap -I m4
make -j4
sudo make install
cd ..

Install tpm2-pkcs11

sudo mkdir -p /opt/tpm2-pkcs11
sudo chmod 777 /opt/tpm2-pkcs11
cd tpm2-pkcs11/
git checkout a82d0709c97c88cc2e457ba111b6f51f21c22260
./bootstrap -I m4
./configure --enable-esapi-session-manage-flags --with-storedir=/opt/tpm2-pkcs11
make -j4
sudo make install
cd ..

Using the PKCS11 Provider for Greengrass HSI.

In this example, the keystore is created under /opt/tpm2-pkcs11. It is assumed, that the location is read-/writeable to the user.

Initializing Keystore and Token

cd tpm2-pkcs11/tools/

Init Keystore

./ init --pobj-pin=123456 --path=/opt/tpm2-pkcs11/

The used options are:

--pobj-pin POBJ_PIN   The authorization password for adding secondary objects under the primary object.
--path PATH           The location of the store directory.

Init Token

./ addtoken --pid=1 --pobj-pin=123456 --sopin=123456 --userpin=123456 --label=greengrass --path=/opt/tpm2-pkcs11/

The used options are:

  --pid PID             The primary object id to associate with this token.
  --sopin SOPIN         The Administrator pin. This pin is used for object recovery.
  --userpin USERPIN     The user pin. This pin is used for authentication for object use.
  --pobj-pin POBJ_PIN   The primary object password. This password is use for authentication to the primary object.
  --label LABEL         A unique label to identify the profile in use, must be unique.
  --path PATH           The location of the store directory.

Add a key:

./ addkey --algorithm=rsa2048 --label=greengrass --userpin=123456 --key-label=greenkey --path=/opt/tpm2-pkcs11/

The used options are

--id ID               The key id. Defaults to a random 8 bytes of hex.
--sopin SOPIN         The Administrator pin.
--userpin USERPIN     The User pin.
--label LABEL         The tokens label to add a key too.
--algorithm {rsa2048,ecc256}
                      The type of the key. Only RSA 2048 and ECC 256 are supported.
--key-label KEY_LABEL
                      The key label to identify the key. Defaults to an integer value.
--path PATH           The location of the store directory.

Find out the P11/PKCS#11 URL

Greengrass and other tools use a pkcs11 url to find the token/key object. This URL can be determined using p11tool:

p11tool --list-token-urls

This will yield a result similar to:


The URL for the private key can then be determined using:

p11tool --list-privkeys pkcs11:manufacturer=Infineon
Object 0:
    URL: pkcs11:model=SLI9670;manufacturer=Infineon;serial=0000000000000000;token=greengrass;id=%37%33%61%36%62%30%31%37%39%66%39%33%39%38%62%38;object=greenkey;type=private
    Type: Private key
    Label: greenkey
    ID: 37:33:61:36:62:30:31:37:39:66:39:33:39:38:62:38

The URL can be trimmed of certain components, as long as it remains unique, e.g.


The Pin can be appended to the URL:


This will be the URL we will use for the Greengrass configuration.

Generate a Certificate Signing Request

openssl req -engine pkcs11 -new -key "pkcs11:model=SLI9670;manufacturer=Infineon;token=greengrass;object=greenkey;type=private;pin-value=123456" -keyform engine -out /tmp/req.csr

Please answer the questions OpenSSL is asking you for the Certificate Signing Request - these information will be incorporated into the certificate.

Once completed, login to AWS and navigate to the AWS IoT Section.

Under the Security -> Certificates tab on the left menu, create a new certificate (Right upper corner create).

In the menu chose Create with CSR and select the .csr file you created using openssl. (e.g. /tmp/req.csr)

Download the and the resulting xxxxxx-certificate.pem.crt, where xxxxxx stands for a unique id, and copy both to /greengrass/certs/

Before closing the window, please be sure to activate the certificate and attach it to an object/policy in the dialogue on the AWS Greengrass Security Page.

Configure and run Greengrass with HSI

To enable and use the TPM as HSI, we need to enable it in the greengrass config. For this we need to edit /greengrass/config/config.json and replace the configuration with the following content:

        "crypto": {
            "caPath": "file:///greengrass/certs/",
            "PKCS11": {
                "OpenSSLEngine": "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/engines-1.1/",
                "P11Provider": "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkcs11/",
                "SlotLabel": "greengrass",
                "SlotUserPin": "123456"
            "principals": {
                "IoTCertificate": {
                    "certificatePath": "file:///greengrass/certs/_xxxxxx_-certificate.pem.crt",
                    "privateKeyPath": "pkcs11:model=SLI9670;manufacturer=Infineon;token=greengrass;object=greenkey;type=private;pin-value=123456"

                "MQTTServerCertificate": {
                    "certificatePath": "file:///greengrass/certs/_xxxxxx_-certificate.pem.crt",
                    "privateKeyPath": "pkcs11:model=SLI9670;manufacturer=Infineon;token=greengrass;object=greenkey;type=private;pin-value=123456"
        "coreThing" : {
            "thingArn" : "arn:aws:iot:eu-central-1:ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ:thing/Greengrass-Test_Core",
            "iotHost" : "",
            "ggHost" : "",
            "keepAlive" : 600
        "runtime" : {
            "cgroup" : {
                "useSystemd" : "yes"
        "managedRespawn" : false

Please adjust the certificatePath, privateKeyPath, thingArn and iotHost accordingly.

After this you can start your greengrass daemon as usual:

cd /greengrass/ggc/core
sudo ./greengrassd start


Greengrass is not starting

Please validate that your environment is prepared for Greengrass (especially memory cgroups are on), by following the regular greengrass tutorials without hsi.

Please also validate that the permissions and user groups are set up correctly.

/dev/tpm0 is not showing up

Please make sure that you are running the latest kernel from rpi-update, that the SPI support is turned on using raspi-setup and that the overlay is enabled in /boot/config.txt

Please also ensure that the Iridium board is plugged in correctly.

Debug PKCS11 Provider

In order to enable more verbose logging an environment variable can be set:


Also the pkcs11-spy from libp11 can be used to get a deeper understanding of the PKCS#11 calls.


All references product or service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Important Notice

The information contained in this application note is given as a hint for the implementation of the product only and shall in no event be regarded as a description or warranty of a certain functionality, condition or quality of the product. Before implementation of the product, the recipient of this application note must verify any function and other technical information given herein in the real application. Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind (including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party) with respect to any and all information given in this application note.

The data contained in this document is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. It is the responsibility of customer’s technical departments to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product information given in this document with respect to such application.

For further information on the product, technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office (


Due to technical requirements products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies office.

Except as otherwise explicitly approved by Infineon Technologies in a written document signed by authorized representatives of Infineon Technologies, Infineon Technologies’ products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury.

In case of further questions:

Please raise an issue on github or contact


Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM - AWS IoT Greengrass Hardware Security Integration