PatrickLaabs / goquette

NuGet Packaging with Go. Using Template Engine and Viper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


With Goquette you can simplify your packaging experience with NuGet.
Set up the required files - Steps are listed below - and just run Goquette, and you're done.

Image alt text

Go Reference Go Report Card


  • Create a 'goquette.yaml' File inside your root project folder
  • Create a 'tools' directory inside your root project folder

Inside the tools-Directory, put your PowerShell scripts, which are consumed by chocolatey,
and your zipped program/binary. Take a look inside the tools-Directory at this Tools-Dir of Goquette
for a better understanding on how to use Goquette.


Install via Go

go install

Make sure you have set your GOBIN Path correctly.
If not:

export GOBIN="$GOPATH/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOBIN"

Build Goquette-Binary with Go

Make sure you have a working installation of Go. Its easy to set up - just follow the official documentations.
Fork this repository and run go build . inside this project folder.

Pre-Compiled Binary

Download the pre-compiled binary of Goquette from the 'Release'-Page on this GitHub Page.

  • On Windows:
    Move the extraced binary to a folder of your choice and put the path to Goquette into the Machine's PATH.
  • On Linux & Darwin(macOS):
    Move the extraced binary to /usr/local/bin, check for permissions, and add the path inside your $PATH
    export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH


Hope you like this project.
Every contribution is appreciated - feel free to use it in your project, fork it, modify it. Whatever you like :)

If you experience any issues during setup / running Goquette:
Open an Issue and let me know what's not working for you.

Example goquette.yaml

id: "<your_project_name>"
version: "<your_software_version>"
title: "<set_a_title>"
authors: "<who's_the_author>"
owners: "<who's_the_owner>"
requireLicenseAcceptance: "<choose_true_or_false>"
description: "<set_a_description>"
summary: "what_does_the_program_do"
tags: "<define_some_tags_for_chocolatey>"
zipPath : "<name_of_your_zipped_file_inside_tools_dir>"

Example Tools Folder structure


Goquette and Jenkins

Goquette really shines, when used within a pipeline, e.g. Jenkins.
The point here is, that you only need to configure your goquette.yaml, prepare your powershell scripts
and the rest is handled for you.

pipeline {
  agent any
    environment {
        GO111MODULE = 'on'
        CGO_ENABLED = 0
        GOPATH = "${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/${JOB_NAME}/builds/${BUILD_ID}"
        GOBIN = "${JENKINS_HOME}/jobs/${JOB_NAME}/builds/${BUILD_ID}/bin"
        PATH = "${PATH}:${GOBIN}"
    tools {
        go 'go-1.17.7'

  stages {
    stage('Cleaning workspace'){
        steps {
            sh 'rm -rf $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/content'
            sh 'rm -rf $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/templates'
            sh 'rm -rf $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/*.nupkg'
            sh 'rm -rf $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/*.zip'
            sh 'rm -rf $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/*.exe'

    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        sh 'GOOS=linux go build'
        sh 'GOOS=windows go build'
        sh 'tar cf $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/tools/<your_application_name>.zip *.exe'

    stage('Goquette - NuGet Packaging') {
        steps {
            sh 'go install'
            sh 'cd $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME && $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_ID/bin/goquette'

    stage('nFPM - rpm Packaging') {
        steps {
            sh 'go install'
            sh '$JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_ID/bin/nfpm pkg --packager rpm --target $JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/'

    stage('Deploy .nupkg to Nexus') {
        steps {
            echo 'deploying to nexus..'
                nexusVersion: 'nexus2',
                protocol: 'http',
                nexusUrl: '<ip>:<port>/nexus',
                groupId: 'com.example',
                version: '<version>',
                repository: 'nuget',
                credentialsId: '<creds>',
                artifacts: [
                    [artifactId: '<project_name>',
                    classifier: 'release',
                     file: '$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/<your_application_name>.nupkg',
                     type: 'nuget']

    stage('Deploy .rpm to Nexus') {
        steps {
                nexusVersion: 'nexus2',
                protocol: 'http',
                nexusUrl: '<ip>:<port>/nexus',
                groupId: 'com.example',
                version: '<version>',
                repository: 'rpm',
                credentialsId: 'nexus-user-credentials',
                artifacts: [
                    [artifactId: '<project_name>',
                     classifier: 'release',
                     file: '$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/$JOB_NAME/<your_application_name>.rpm',
                     type: 'rpm']

or a more simplistic approach:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Build and Packaging') {
            steps {
                script {
                    def root = tool type: 'go', name: 'go-1.17.7'
                    withEnv(["GOPATH=${root}", "PATH=${PATH}:${root}/bin"]) {
                       sh 'GOOS=linux go build'
                       sh 'GOOS=windows go build'
                       sh 'tar cf ./tools/<.zipName> *.exe'
                       sh 'go install'
                       sh 'goquette'
                       sh 'go install'
                       sh 'nfpm pkg --packager rpm --target ./'


NuGet Packaging with Go. Using Template Engine and Viper

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 83.8%Language:PowerShell 15.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%