Vinay Patil (Patil-Vinay)


Geek Repo

Company:Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune


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Vinay Patil's repositories


The project involves creating a healthcare robot using advanced technologies like ROS, Lidar, and SLAM. It can navigate hospitals, monitor patients, dispense medication, and enable remote communication. The robot aims to enhance healthcare efficiency and patient care with features like real-time monitoring and UV sanitization.



Develop an autonomous robot that perfectly matches the needs in agriculture and precision farming.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:1Issues:0


Conducted Research on DiaMOS Dataset for Disease Classification in Plants using Siamese Networks in combination with MobileNet V2 architecture gaining SOTA performance of 96%



This project aims to develop quick problem-solving approach towards critical situations in forests where there is lack of human assistance, location tracing, instant communication, etc. & are performed simultaneously by our quadcopter.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


"Accident Prevention System" which uses an ultrasonic sensor to identify the danger distance and inform the driver before a collision occurs.



Solution for some interesting problem statements of Arduino.



The automated toll collection system using passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag emerges as a convincing solution to the manual toll collection method employed at toll gates. Time and efficiency are a matter of priority of present day. There will be some amount of money on that tag which will be deducted every time when it is scanned.



This is ROS package mentioned in the book "Learning Robotics using Python". This package contain drivers, Launch files for working with Chefbot, mentioned on this book|New version of code for ROS Kinetic:



Computer Vision 2K23 National Hackathon was a prestigious event that brought together 305 teams from across India to compete in the field of computer vision. The hackathon featured three intense rounds, each one more challenging than the last.



"Smart Entry System" which can check the temperature and face mask for a person before they are permitted inside and can also keep a track of people who have entered or exited the building and how many are inside.



This project introduces an agricultural robot with dynamic sizing, autonomously inspecting crops and providing real-time data on deficiencies, diseases, and weeds. Users interact via a website, guiding the robot to inspection areas. The robot offers prescriptive solutions and data insights, revolutionizing farming by filling the real-time data gap.



Drones are set to become the future of logistics with their reduced cost, higher convenience, and delivery times of less than 30 minutes. This project tells us about how drones work and process to build a drone.



Developed PCB's for various applications like voltage regulator, led boards and many more, some of the PCBs are single layer and some of them are multi-layer.



Face detection system using MATLAB which can detect not only just human face but also eyes.



To build our facial expression recognition system. We’ll first perform face detection, extract face embeddings from each face using deep learning, train a facial expression recognition model on the embeddings, and then finally recognize expression in both images and video streams with OpenCV.



Binance coin is cryptocurrency by Binance. Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that provides a platform for trading various cryptocurrencies. For this project I have used python as programming language and libraries like NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, and sklearn.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:1Issues:0


CIFAR-10 is an image dataset which contains 60000 tiny color images with the size of 32 by 32 pixels. The dataset consists of 10 different classes (i.e. airplane, automobile, bird, cat, deer, dog, frog, horse, ship and truck), in which each of those classes consists of 6000 images.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


You must have done online shopping and may be aware of the small shopping cart icon. Write a program to implement that. Display a menu of 20 items with rates. Customers will select items from this list one by one and quantity to buy. Once the customer checks out, you should display the complete list of items purchased, their individual rates, amount for each item and finally the total bill amount. Please note that there can be a discount on a few items which will be displayed in the menu (discount may depend on the quantity). All similar items should be added together for billing.



Theme of the competition: Throwing Arrows into the pot. In this game, each team designs two robots. One robot can pick up arrows and throw them to the five pots located on the field, but is restricted to the outer area of the field. The other robot, in addition to throwing arrows from the outer area, can navigate through both the outer and inner area of the field, rotating pots, blocking throwing attempts of the opponent, or handing leftover arrows on the field to the first robot.



3d models of robots to play a game between two teams (Team 1: “Seeker” and Team 2: “Hitter”) and the game starts by throwing a ball by the seeker to break a stone tower called “Lagori” (see figure below). While the seekers try to pile up the stones again, the hitter throws balls to interrupt them.
