Patechoc / azure_memo

Simple useful commands to run against Azure

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Simple useful commands to run against Azure

Installation tricks

  • instruct pip to use the system certificate store instead of the "incomplete" bundled cacert that comes with it by installing pip-system-certs

pip install pip-system-certs

Login to Azure & switch subscription

Log in

az login

List your subscriptions

az account list --output table

Switch subscription

az account set --subscription <name or id>

Management and Governance

(Resource) Groups

List resource groups

az group list -o table


Function Apps

  • List all FunctionApps: az functionapp list -o table



Log Analytics


  1. Find the Log Analytics Workspace ID you want to query
  2. Run a specific query:
az monitor log-analytics query -w 7893d280-08de-4763-a795-b36f4432fddd --analytics-query "AppTraces | where TimeGenerated > ago(10m) "
az monitor log-analytics query -w 7893d280-08de-4763-a795-b36f4432fddd --analytics-query "AppTraces | where TimeGenerated > ago(10m)  | where OperationName == 'func_nasa_hdl_ingestion' "
az monitor log-analytics query -w 7893d280-08de-4763-a795-b36f4432fddd --analytics-query "AppTraces | where TimeGenerated > ago(10m)  | where OperationName != 'func_nasa_hdl_ingestion' "

Application Insights

  1. Find the (Application Insights) app attached to the resource you are interested in.
  2. Click the JSONview and find the AppID of the app (something like 14f0953-ad40-42c5-b29d-debc616b215fd)
  3. Search for the metric you are interested in among the huge list provided by get-metadata
(.venv) λ az monitor app-insights metrics get-metadata --app 14215fd3-ad40-42c5-b29d-def095bc616b | grep "requests"
    "performanceCounters/requestsInQueue": {
      "displayName": "ASP.NET requests in application queue",
    "performanceCounters/requestsPerSecond": {
    "requests/count": {
      "displayName": "Server requests",
    "requests/duration": {
    "requests/failed": {
      "displayName": "Failed requests",
  1. show the metric's data on a given time interval (very badly documented by Microsoft)
(.venv) λ az monitor app-insights metrics show --app 14215fd3-ad40-42c5-b29d-def095bc616b --metric requests/count --start-time 2022-09-12 --end-time 2022-09-13
  "value": {
    "end": "2022-09-12T22:00:00+00:00",
    "interval": null,
    "requests/count": {
      "sum": 280
    "segments": null,
    "start": "2022-09-11T22:00:00+00:00"
(.venv) λ az monitor app-insights metrics show --app 14215fd3-ad40-42c5-b29d-def095bc616b --metric requests/count --start-time 2022-09-12 01:00:00 --end-time 2022-09-12 02:00:00
  "value": {
    "end": "2022-09-12T00:00:00+00:00",
    "interval": null,
    "requests/count": {
      "sum": 12
    "segments": null,
    "start": "2022-09-11T23:00:00+00:00"



Simple useful commands to run against Azure

License:GNU General Public License v3.0