Particeep / api-sdk-scala

Particeep API Client for Scala

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Particeep API Client for Scala

You can sign up for a Particeep account at


Java 1.8 or later.

Play dependencies

By default this lib depends on Play framework.

If you don't use Play!, you can checkout the branch You'll be able to use the lib without bringing all the Play framework into your code base. The dependancies in the stand_alone branch is limited to 2 libraries extracted from Play project.

If you want to use your own json parser and http wrapper, you'll better build everything by yourself


Sbt users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:

libraryDependencies += "com.particeep" %% "api-scala-client" % "1.0.0"

Or add the project as a dependency

lazy val root = Project("root", file("."))

lazy val apiParticeepClient = RootProject(uri(""))


You'll need to manually install the following JARs and dependencies :

NB : You also need transitive dependencies of play-ws


Please see the Particeep API docs for the most up-to-date documentation.



import com.particeep.api.core._
import com.particeep.api._

object ParticeepExample {

    def basicUsage() {
        val ws = ParticeepApi.test(apiKey, apiSecret)
        val result:Future[Either[JsError, User]] = ws.user.byId("some_user_id")

        // to switch to prod env just do
        val ws_prod =, apiSecret)

    // if you need only a subset of the endpoints of the api and don't want to be
    // bothered with the other you can create a custom client
    def customUsage() {
        val creds = ApiCredential(apiKey, apiSecret)

        // here you have access only to User and Info endpoints
        val ws = new ApiClient(
            baseUrl = "", // prod url
            apiCredential = creds,
            version = "1"
        ) with InfoCapability with UserCapability

        val result:Future[Either[JsError, User]] = ws.user.byId("some_user_id")

See the tests for more examples.

If you need to customize the http client, take a look at ApiClient.scala


You must have Sbt installed. To run the tests:

sbt test

You can run particular tests by using testOnly pkg.ClassName -- -z update. Make sure you use the fully qualified class name to differentiate between unit and functional tests. For example:

sbt "testOnly com.particeep.test.ParticeepTest -- -z update"


Particeep API Client for Scala


Language:Scala 100.0%