Parthjhaveri / RestaurantApp

The Front- End for an Indian Restaurant Web-App built with React JS. The Backend, will be integrated soon, also using Express and Mongo DB.

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Good Burger App

We'll be building a website for a restaurant (we'll be using data from the classic movie Good Burger, but feel free to customize your app however you'd like).

When finished , the app should look something like this (note: the below app has not been styled):

Home page:


Menu page:


About page:



  • Clone the following repo: and rename it to 'good-burger'
  • Install 'react-router' in your new repo using the following command: npm install react-router --save
  • Also npm install to install all of the other node modules


Below is the suggested ordering of how to build your app. However, these are just guidelines and the order is really up to you. For example, if you would like create the routes before you build out the componenets, or even before you structure your state, you are free to do so:

1. Understanding the data:

Read over the data.js file. This is where we'll be getting the data we need for our app. It's a good habit to always start by looking at our data and thinking about how we're going to use it to structure out app, because the architecture and layout of our app is always going to depend on the data that's powering it.

This data is based on the movie Good Burger, but feel free to change it and customize it to a restaurant of your choice, if you'd like.

2. Scaffolding the components:

We'll need the following components:

  • App
  • NavBar
  • Home
  • Menu
  • About

For now, just create the files for these different components, and setup basic render functions that just render some placeholder text. We will come back and start building them out after have figured out how we will structure our app's state.

3. Structuring state:

We will hold state on three separate components: the data for the menu will be held in the state of the Menu component, the data for the about page will be held in the state of the About component, and the data for the Home page will be held in the Home component.

To get the data for state, do the following:

  • Create a getInitialState property in your Menu component, to hold the data you will need for your menu. To get the data for the menu you will need to import in the data.js file. You should use the data.getMenu() function (that's part of the data.js file) to setState from within componentDidMount on your Menu component.

  • Create a getInitialState property in your About component, to hold the data you will need for your about. To get the data for the about you will need to import in the data.js file. You should use the data.getAbout() function (that's part of the data.js file) to setState from within componentDidMount on your About component.

  • Create a getInitialState property in your Home component, to hold the data you will need for your home. You will basically onluy need images, but if you'd like other data feel free to add that as well. To get the data for the home you will need to import in the data.js file. You should use the data.getImages() function (that's part of the data.js file) to setState from within componentDidMount on your Home component.

4. Building the components:

You will need the following functionality in you components:

  • An App component that will contain your NavBar component and will also use {this.props.children} to render your other components. Our App component will contain our NavBar. Our NavBar will then have links to 'Home', 'Menu', and 'About', which will change what is displayed in our App component depending on which link you click.

  • A NavBar that has links to 'Home', 'Menu', and 'About' pages. It will also need to display {this.props.children}. When you click on links in the NavBar, the content on the page should change (depending on what was clicked) but the NavBar should remain visible.

  • A Menu component that will contain information about the restraunt's menu. It is up to you exactly how you want to structure this component, but you will probably also want a MenuItem subcomponent for individual menu items. Think about if there are any other components you can add to help break it up even more and make your code even more reusable.

  • An About component that will just have basic information about the restaurant including the name, address, phone number, and slogan.

  • A Home component that just contains a landing page for the restaurant, which includes basic info such as the restaurant name and some pictures. Add any other information you think would be helpful.

5. Creating the routes:

We'll want to put our routes within the ReactDOM.render function in our App.js file. Our '/' path should display our App component. We'll then want to nest all of our other routes within that first route. This will let us keep our NavBar component (which is rendered within our App componenet) visible on all of our pages.

Our other routes should all be nested within our '/' route. They should link to our Menu component and About component. We should also have an IndexRoute that links to the Home component.

6. Styling the app:

Once you're finished with all fo the functionality, style your app to make it look good. All you'll need to do is import './App.css' in your App.js file, then add all of your styling directly to the App.css file.


The Front- End for an Indian Restaurant Web-App built with React JS. The Backend, will be integrated soon, also using Express and Mongo DB.


Language:JavaScript 92.5%Language:CSS 3.6%Language:HTML 2.6%Language:AppleScript 1.3%