Parneet-Raghuvanshi / Avtomat

Our app is mostly focused on skilling people with indigenous traditional skills and crafts but some content regarding industrial-grade technology is also available.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Short Summary

Our app is mostly focused on skilling people with indigenous traditional skills and crafts but some content regarding industrial-grade technology is also available. We have replaced the traditional methods of learning by text with videos and AR Models to help them understand and visualize better. The AR models are made using unity, the text is added using firebase, and videos. are loaded using google cloud You can learn with us and apply for a better job or can become an independent contractor for traditional toys and Artworks such as - Puppet making, Pottery, Woodworks, etc. After completion of a course, you will get a certificate that is generated using a website which was called using Selenium WebDriver. In the jobs and contracts section of our app, You can look for work in your area or based on your expertise hence we had made an organization login in addition to learners login.

What is CVA

For more details visit AICTE Website or Read in short here 😊

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India holding a competition “AICTE-Vishwakarma Awards-2020” for the students and institutes of AICTE approved institutions.

AIM: To encourage and motivate young students and institutions to raise their performance in their specific domains leading to significant contribution towards the growth and development of the nation as a whole.

OBJECTIVE: To recognize and honor the innovative work of the students displaying exceptional skills in different categories.

Our topic was: Reskilling or up Skilling for Ensuring Livelihood

Functions/Tools Used

Here are some of the coded functions and tools which are used in this application:

  • Used Android Onboarder for Fast and interactive onboarding on app first time use.
  • Fully based on google material design UI.
  • Lottie animations implemented on choose language page and login with firebase phone auth page.
  • Used Firebase phone auth and Firbase realtime database (no-sql).
  • implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:current-version' dependency for Firebase Premade Recyclerview.
  • Picaso a powerful image downloading and caching library for Android (used this for all netwrok images).
  • implementation 'com.github.jgabrielfreitas:BlurImageView:current-version' Blur Image View for best blurred background like arcylic effect.
  • Integrated youtube view for embeded youtube videos.
  • It has multilanguage support (English,Hindi only till now but can add more in future) by simply adding strings.xml file variant.

Always open for Discussions : 😊 Parneet Raghuvanshi


Our app is mostly focused on skilling people with indigenous traditional skills and crafts but some content regarding industrial-grade technology is also available.


Language:Java 100.0%