Parisa-Bagherzadeh / Machine-Learning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Balloon and melon data visualization


  • Deaths and cases of corona virus in Iran

  • KNN algorithm

    Male Female Detection By Height and Weight using KNN algorithm


  • Ranom lines on study time and grade data
  • Comparing fitted lines of lingress method and linear regression
  • Predicting prices of Boston hosing dataset using Linear Least Square
    two features Age and Number of rooms are chosen


Wroking on digikala dataset to get some information

  • Oreder amount per month
  • Customers per city
  • QRcode reader

    First install pybzar library , then run the code

  • Linear regression on abalone dataset to predict the age of a shell

Algorithm Loss
MAE 0.039
MSE 0.002
Hobber loss 0.001
Hinge loss 0.97


Perceptron algorithm for predicting the price of Boston housing dataset

To predict the price of the houses, two most correlated features,ZN and RM are chosen

Average error given each data

3D surface showing predicted prices


Weather forecasting with a single perceptron

In the case of a single perceptron ,it is well known that it will never converge on nonlinear data
so when using it forcasting the weather , it will never return any desirable answer
The loss of the model is 8.29


Compare different machine learning algorithm for Titanic problem

Implementing Titanic problem with different maching learning algorithms
to predict the survival and comparing the accuacy

Algorithm KNN Perceptron MLP(Multi Layer Perceptron
Accuracy 65.55 61.96 0.91


Weather forecasting with a Neural Network

Comapring the loss of a single perceptron and a Neural Network

Algorithm Single Perceptron Neural Network
Loss 8.29 3.02

loss chart from



Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.9%Language:Python 0.1%