PangHaoAI's repositories


A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.



学习强国 懒人刷分工具 自动学习



#AndroidDevChallenge Our vision is a mobile application that acts as a small helper to people that aren't very familiar with the washing labels of their clothes. Which are a lot, like us. The key is the very easy accessiblity to every person with a mobile device and the need of washing their clothes correctly. In addition to that, blind people could use this application to be more independent when it comes to householding. In more technical detail, we aim to train a neural network to recognize the washing labels and extract the important informations so we can process them and tell the user how this piece should be washed. For the blind people we imagine a text-to-speech output of the informations. Since the base concept of this artifical intelligence is image recognition we need plenty of pictures of washing labels. To our luck, there are already plenty of them freely available online, which will be the foundation of our training data. We are a project group of college with the focus on android developement. All 6 members are undergoing education with key course elements in software developement. Our project group leader already has some years of experience of professional android developement. We have planned 18 course meetings, 10 to develope a prototype and 8 for any further optimazation, testing and bugfixing until the first of may. Since we are part of a official school, we would need help with the legal technicalities regarding the deployment and marketing of the app.​

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