Pakillo / unilur

A rmarkdown template to create two tutorial pdf files: The first without and the second with the solutions.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Eric Koncina

Unilur is a rmarkdown template usefull to create documents for tutorials, practicals or examens. It allows the rendering of two distinct pdf/html files from a single rmarkdown file:

  • The main file containing the exercises or questions without solutions
  • The second one including the expected answers to the questions/exercises

These templates introduce additional possibilities such as the:

  • Creation of colored boxes to highlight some markdown or R content.
  • An examen template allowing:
    • to create multiple choice questions.
    • to draw a box asking students for their name during an examen.
    • to draw dotted lines to fill in answers


The source code is hosted on github. To install the R library, run the following code:


The library contains example templates illustrating some of the possibilities.

The tutorial template

To use the tutorial template, adjust the output format in the document header as follows:

  unilur::tutorial_html: default
  unilur::tutorial_pdf: default
  unilur::tutorial_html_solution: default
  unilur::tutorial_pdf_solution: default

Use the Rstudio knit button and knit to the wanted output format. Keep in mind that the output file will end with a suffix (which can be adjusted in the YAML header):

  • _question for unilur::tutorial_html and unilur::tutorial_pdf
  • _solution for unilur::tutorial_html_solution and unilur::tutorial_pdf_solution

Yaml header arguments

Additional parameters of the unilur format can adjusted in the YAML front-matter. The table below summaries the different settings (default values are bold):

parameter value description
question_suffix text (_question) suffix appended to the question pdf/html
solution_suffix text (_solution) suffix appended to the solution pdf/html
credit yes/no Show a link to this homepage


Answers or solutions are written within a code chunk with the solution = TRUE option. The content of these chunks will be wrapped within a green box.

```{r, solution = TRUE}
# Only visible and evaluated in the solution file...

You can also write markdown formatted text by using asis chunks:

```{asis, solution = TRUE}
# This is a title

And the text can be formatted as **bold** or *italic*

You can also list some items:

- item 1
- item 2

Colored boxes

To highlight some content and wrap it within a colored box, specify the box = "<color>" and eventually boxtitle = "<title>" arguments in the chunk (use the colors defined by colors() or define your own).

```{asis, box = "red", boxtitle = "My red box"}
This is a **red** box and titled *My red box*

```{asis, box = "green"}
This is a **green** box without title

```{asis, box = rgb(159, 129, 247, maxColorValue = 255), boxtitle = "Custom color"}
It is also possible to use **custom colors** defined as hexadecimal color codes or using the `rgb()` function. 

The examen template

The unilur::examen_pdf and unilur::examen_pdf_solution templates (relying on the latex exam class) extend the possibilities of the tutorial template:

  • include an identification box to ask for the student's name
  • leave space with dotted lines between questions to write in the answers
  • generate multiple choice questions

Yaml header arguments

argument value description
id yes/no draws a box to ask students for their name
mcq oneparchoices, oneparchoicesalt, oneparcheckboxesalt, oneparcheckboxes theme for the multiple choice questions


Questions are defined as fifth-level 5 headings (##### question). It is possible to leave some space with lines in the main pdf file allowing the students to write down their answers. Just set the = <s> chunk argument (in inches) together with solution = TRUE.

title: "Examen demo"
author: "John Doe"
date: "19 April, 2016"
    id: yes
    id: yes

##### Write your answer below

```{asis, solution = TRUE, = 1}
This is the hidden answer generating lines in the main pdf file.

##### Second question

```{asis, solution = TRUE, = 0.5}
This would be the expected answer to the question

Multiple choice questions

Lists can be rendered as multiple choice questions. Write the list within an asis chunk and set the option mcq = TRUE like in the example below:

```{asis, mcq = TRUE}
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Item 4
- Item 5

The output theme of MCQ can be adjusted in the YAML front-matter as shown below:

    mcq: <mcq theme>

The snapshots below show how the different <mcq theme> values look like:

mcq theme result

For the oneparchoicesalt and oneparcheckboxesalt options, it is possible to specify the number of items per line with the mcq.n chunk option (default is 3).


A rmarkdown template to create two tutorial pdf files: The first without and the second with the solutions.

License:MIT License


Language:R 51.3%Language:TeX 46.6%Language:CSS 1.7%Language:HTML 0.4%