PainteR / SteamCore

SourceMod Library: Interacts with Steam community functions.

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Sourcemod natives that extends the functionality of Pawn to interact with common Steam functions.

This is not an actual plugin, it's a library for other plugins to work and it doesn't interact directly with players in servers.

Table of Contents

For Server Owners

SteamCore makes use of an account to send requests to Steam server as a normal user would do. Create a new Steam account, login on a Steam client and deactivate Steam Guard.

You should not use your personal account for this, it could be flagged as a spam bot.



  • sc_username Steam account user.
  • sc_password Steam account password.


  • sc_debug Toggles debug mode (Default = 0).



To install just copy steamcore.smx to the plugins folder in your Sourcemod directory.


Compiled versions: steamcore.smx.

If you want to compile the code yourself, you must use the offline compiler, and copy steamcore.sp, steamcore/bigint.sp and steamcore/rsa.sp to the scripting folder in your Sourcemod directory, also you need to copy the include file from SteamWorks to scripting/include.

For Scripts Writers

You must add inside your include folder in order to use SteamCore natives.


Also available on

 * Callback function called at the end of a request
 * @param client 	Calling client.
 * @param success	Result of the request.
 * @param errorCode Result error code if error, otherwise 0.
 * @param data		Extra data if any, otherwise 0
 * @noreturn
functag SteamCoreCallback public(client, bool:success, errorCode, any:data);

 * Returns wheter the plugin is currently busy with a request.
 * @return			True is plugin is busy, false otherwise.
native bool:IsSteamCoreBusy();

 * Posts an announcement on a desired Steam group. 
 * @param client 	Debug purposes, calling client, use 0 if no client.
 * @param title		Title of the announce.
 * @param body		Body of the announce.
 * @param group		GroupID.
 * @param func		Callback function to be called at the end of the request.
 * @noreturn
native SteamGroupAnnouncement(client, const String:title[], const String:body[],  const String:group[], SteamCoreCallback:func);

 * Sends a Steam group invitation to an account.
 * @param client 	Debug purposes, calling client, use 0 if no client.
 * @param invitee	SteamID64 of the account to invite.
 * @param group		GroupID.
 * @param func		Callback function to be called at the end of the request.
 * @noreturn
native SteamGroupInvite(client, const String:invitee[], const String:group[], SteamCoreCallback:func);

Error Codes

Also available on

0x00: No error, request successful.
0x01: Plugin is busy with another task at this time.
0x02: Connection timed out.

0x03: Login Error: Invalid login information, it means there are errors in the Cvar Strings.
0x04: Login Error: Failed http RSA Key request.
0x05: Login Error: RSA Key response failed, unknown reason, probably server side.
0x06: Login Error: Failed htpps login request.
0x07: Login Error: Incorrect login data, required captcha or e-mail confirmation (Steam Guard).
0x08: Login Error: Failed http token request.
0x09: Login Error: Invalid session token. Incorrect cookie?.

0x10: Announcement Error: Failed http group announcement request.
0x11: Announcement Error: Invalid steam login token.
0x12: Announcement Error: Form error on request.

// Invitee: Who receives the invite.
0x20: Invite Error: Failed http group invite request.
0x21: Invite Error: Incorrect invitee or another error.
0x22: Invite Error: Incorrect Group ID or missing data.
0x23: Invite Error: Logged out. Retry to login.
0x24: Invite Error: Inviter account is not a member of the group or does not have permissions to invite.
0x25: Invite Error: Limited account. Only full Steam accounts can send Steam group invites
0x26: Invite Error: Unknown error.
0x27: Invite Error: Invitee has already received an invite or is already on the group.

Internal Processing of a Request

Natives names and parameters are self-explanatory, but you can first understand the internal processing of a request:

  • When a request is made, SteamCore will first check if another request is being executed, if true, the callback function will be almost automatically called (0.1 seconds delay) with errorCode = 1. If there is no another request being executed it will continue to the next step.

  • Checking the Steam login status, if it's logged out it means a previous attempt to login has failed, a previous request returned a auth error, or 50 minutes have passed since the last login.

    • If the server is logged in, SteamCore will automatically execute your request.

    • If the server is logged out, SteamCore will first attempt to login and then execute the request.

  • Request is executed and callback is called.

    • If the request is successful an errorCode = 0 will be returned.

    • if the request fails it can be for any reason that will be reflected in the errorCode. If the reason is an auth failure, next time a request is made the plugin will try to login before executing the request.


  • SteamCore automatically tries to login on map changes.

    • This only happens 10 minutes after the last login has elapsed, this is to prevent Steam login spam on consecutive map changes.
  • LOGGING IN CAN FREEZE THE SERVER FOR A FRACTION OF A SECOND (usually < 0.5 seconds) since a long algorithm is executed (RSA) in order to encrypt the login information.

  • When retrying a request for a second time, a login attempt will always be executed before the request.

  • It's possible that SteamCore fails a request when believing that it's logged in and it is not, this usually happens when an user logs out the Steam account from a web browser, therefore ending any active session on that account.

Demo Code

A very basic working code:

#include <steamcore>

new String:groupID = "7376325";

public OnPluginStart()
    RegAdminCmd("sm_announce", cmdAnnounce, ADMFLAG_CONFIG, "");

public Action:cmdAnnounce(client, args)
    decl String:announcement[256];
    GetCmdArgString(announcement, sizeof(announcement));
    SteamGroupAnnouncement(client, announcement, "\n", groupID, myCallback);
public myCallback(client, bool:success, errorCode, any:data)
    if (success) PrintToChat(client, "Success!!!");
    else PrintToChat(client, "Failure :(");


[04/02/2015] v1.0

  • Initial Release.

[29/03/2015] v1.1

  • Announcement Module: Fixed critical bug that made announcements stopped working after a few calls.
  • Added a timeout error code.
  • Added the native isSteamCoreBusy to check if there is a request being executed.
  • Eliminated the retry function in all requests.
  • Announcement Module: Changed steamGroupAnnoucement function name to SteamGroupAnnouncement for convention purposes.

[13/04/2015] v1.2

  • Added the native SteamGroupInvite, sending group invites is only available to non-limited accounts (accounts that have purshased something on the Steam store).

[03/05/2015] v1.3

  • Added compatibility with most source games, instead of only TF2.
  • SteamTools extension is no longer needed. Instead, SteamWorks is now required.

[08/05/2015] v1.4

  • Invite Module: Permissions errors and Limited account error are now differentiated.
  • Invite Module: Fixed the unknown errors being called as success and added an errorCode for them (0x26).

[18/05/2015] v1.5

  • Fixed critical bug that prevented logging in on Steam.

[12/06/2015] v1.5.1

  • Increased timeout time for requests to 10 seconds (previously 5 seconds).

[17/08/2015] v1.6

  • Fixed critical bug that prevented logging in on Steam.

[02/02/2017] v1.7

  • Announcement Module: Fixed critical bug caused by outdated method to post announcements.
  • Fixed critical bug that crashed the plugin when making a request while plugin is busy.


SourceMod Library: Interacts with Steam community functions.


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