PaackEng / frontend-elm-kit

Standard development kit for Elm projects inside Paack.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of tools and integrations used by our Elm applications.


Adding to a new project? Create a .npmrc file in its root with the following content:


First time installing a private npm package from Paack's Github? Setup your token.

Once the above is done, just install it:

$ yarn add @PaackEng/frontend-elm-kit

Add it as a source directory in the elm.json:

"type": "application",
"source-directories": [
+ "node_modules/@PaackEng/frontend-elm-kit/elm"


In order to integrate this package into your project there are some extra changes that need to be made:

  • Install all the required packages with exception of elm/html
  • Make sure that the modules Data.Environment, Main.Model, Main.Msg, Main.Update, Effects.Local and Effects.Performer all exist. Look at the example folder for a minimal setup
  • If you're using parcel v1 disable sourcemaps with --no-source-maps


  • Ensure that the ports checkSession, login and logout are all present
  • Provide all the four seeds (randomSeed1, 2, 3 and 4) in the app's Flags
  • Install the Auth0 SPA SDK
  • If your application isn't using Effect yet you can use Auth.performEffects to convert them on the fly. Otherwise, it's recommended to use Effects.MainHelper



  • Make sure your model includes appConfig.environment. codeVersion, rollbarToken and url;
  • You'll need a message for receiving feedback, see how the example performs the effect;


  • Provide the two flags mixpanelToken and mixpanelAnonId which should be saved to the localStorage;

Extending configuration

This package provides default configuration for Eslint, Prettier and TypeScript. Here's how to extend the config:


+  "extends": "./node_modules/@PaackEng/frontend-elm-kit/eslintconfig.json"


  "name": "lmo-web",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Last-Mile Operations",
+ "prettier": "@PaackEng/frontend-elm-kit/prettier",


+  "extends": "@PaackEng/frontend-elm-kit/tsconfig.json",
+  "include": ["web/ts"]



  • Don't forget to update the url value in model when it changes;
  • Compose errors with Paack.Rollbar module;
  • Easy transform Http errors with Paack.Rollbar.Http module;
  • Easy transform Graphql errors with Paack.Rollbar.Graphql module;
  • Produce the effect with Paack.Rollbar.Dispatch.


Bump the version according to the change that was made. Once it's merged to main just push a tag in the format v*.*.*.

  "name": "@PaackEng/frontend-elm-kit",
- "version": "0.0.3",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
$ git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "First version"
$ git push --tags

Running the example

Navigate to the example folder, then create a .env file and fill in the values (you can copy them from any project where Auth0 is configured). After that you can run it with yarn start.


Standard development kit for Elm projects inside Paack.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Elm 82.2%Language:TypeScript 11.1%Language:JavaScript 5.7%Language:HTML 0.5%Language:Shell 0.4%