PX4 / jMAVSim

Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support

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PID Tuning not working on actual flight

salim616 opened this issue · comments

Hi everyone ,

@AndreasAntener I am new to programming. I have managed to tune my bespoke quad on JmavSim using a step input . all works fine on the simulation. when I transferred PID parameters into the Pixhawk. the quad started behaving weirdly and didnt even managed to takeoff . any help would be appreciated

video link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/chxxrwyg2n9kuug/video-1487278360.mp4?dl=0

Did you calibrate your ESCs?
Also filing an issue is not an appropriate way to request support. You should post newbie questions on one of the support forums.