PX4 / jMAVSim

Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support

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fields_updated is always 0 for HIL_SENSOR message

sytelus opened this issue · comments

It seems that all HIL_SENSOR sent by jMavSim has fields_updated set to 0. According to MavLink specs, this should mean that all fields other than linear acceleration should be ignored. Is this correct interpretation and behaviour? If so then gyro fields in HIL_SENSOR should not be having any effect...

Update: @lovettchris looked at the firmware code and found that it simply ignored fields_updated (see MavlinkReceiver::handle_message_hil_sensor function). So we have two issues:

  1. jMavSim doesn't set the correct value
  2. Firmware ignore all values

Probably outdated, closing.