PX4 / jMAVSim

Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support

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jMAVSim Autopilot is crashing

mahesha-path opened this issue · comments


Today i setup qGroundControl and jMAVSim for pixhawk(px4) in Ubuntu 14.04.

When i add target points and set mission mode.It is not working fine in jMAVSim and autopilot crash after some time.

Below is consol log.
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=113362ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=115504ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=117348ms)
WARN [navigator] offboard mission updated: dataman_id=1, count=3, current_seq=0
INFO [tone_alarm] neutral
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=119345ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=121478ms)
INFO [tone_alarm] positive
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=123749ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=125892ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=129342ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=130894ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=132410ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=134089ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=135839ms)
INFO [commander] home: 47.3977420, 8.5455939, 488.00
INFO [tone_alarm] positive
INFO [commander] home: 47.3977420, 8.5455939, 488.00
INFO [tone_alarm] arming
INFO [commander] Takeoff detected
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=137597ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=139410ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=141414ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=143238ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=144999ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=146845ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=148650ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=150552ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=152247ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=154710ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=156825ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=158822ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=160606ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=162400ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=164447ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=166419ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=168315ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=170106ms)
INFO [platforms__posix__px4_layer] simulator is slow. Delay added: 33899 us
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=172098ms)
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=174060ms)

Do you run HITL or SITL?

Outdated, closing.