PX4 / jMAVSim

Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support

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Run JmavSim in HITL Mode

anujkumargupta opened this issue · comments

I am trying to run Jmavsim in HITL mode. I follwed the link
and used /dev/ttyACM0(Pixhawk connected through usb(serial)) and /dev/ttyUSB0(Pixhawk connected through radio telemetry(udp)) and as mention in link ttyusbmodem1 but every time it throws serial port exception either port not found or port busy.


Is QGroundControl running?

Yes its running. I followed the same instructions as mentioned in link in my last comment.

It's probably QGroundControl autoconnecting first. Kill QGroundControl, start jmavsim, then start QGC (if needed).

Thanks , Now it does not throw that error but its not showing any mavlink messages in terminal. Even its not showing the init mavlink.

What do you get?

screenshot from 2016-09-23 08-18-35

I got this.
screenshot from 2016-09-23 18 06 19

I first started the jmavsim then QGC.

I don't think I quite follow how you've connected with /dev/ttyUSB0 and the telemetry radio.

Can you try with only the usb connection? /dev/ttyACM0

Hi , I am trying to do hitl simulation using the snapdragon flight using the command
java -Djava.ext.dirs= -cp lib/*:out/production/jmavsim.jar me.drton.jmavsim.Simulator -serial /dev/ttyUSB0 921600 -qgc
but facing problem , jmavsim is starging but i didnot get any mavlink msg
Do i need to change anything in my command( i am confused about 921600)

@DrTon I have tuned my quad on JmavSim and works very weel on Simulation. the problem is when i write the PID parameters on Pixhwak to test flight . the quad behaves weirdly please find the link for the video : https://www.dropbox.com/s/chxxrwyg2n9kuug/video-1487278360.mp4?dl=0

This seems outdated, closing.