PX4 / jMAVSim

Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support

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Is HIL_STATE_QUATERNION missing in MAVLinkHILSystem.java ?

clovett opened this issue · comments

The PX4 stack seems to expect HIL_STATE_QUATERNION and this is the only way the global_position gets set. The HITL simulation doesn't work without that. Would this be the right code to add ?

    GNSSReport gnss = sensors.getGNSS();
    if (gnss != null) {
        MAVLinkMessage msg_quaternion = new MAVLinkMessage(schema, "HIL_STATE_QUATERNION", sysId, componentId);
        msg_quaternion.set("time_usec", tu);
        Quat4d quaternion = new Quat4d();
        Object[] quat = new Object[4];
        quat[0] = (float) quaternion.getW();
        quat[1] = (float) quaternion.getX();
        quat[2] = (float) quaternion.getY();
        quat[3] = (float) quaternion.getZ();
        msg_quaternion.set("attitude_quaternion", quat);
        Vector3d rotationRate = vehicle.getRotationRate();
        msg_quaternion.set("rollspeed", (float) rotationRate.getX());
        msg_quaternion.set("pitchspeed", (float) rotationRate.getY());
        msg_quaternion.set("yawspeed", (float) rotationRate.getZ());
        msg_quaternion.set("lat", (long) (gnss.position.lat * 1e7));
        msg_quaternion.set("lon", (long) (gnss.position.lon * 1e7));
        msg_quaternion.set("alt", (long) (gnss.position.alt * 1e3));
        msg_quaternion.set("vx", (int) (gnss.velocity.x * 100));
        msg_quaternion.set("vy", (int) (gnss.velocity.y * 100));
        msg_quaternion.set("vz", (int) (gnss.velocity.z * 100));
        tv = sensors.getAcc();
        msg_quaternion.set("xacc", tv.x);
        msg_quaternion.set("yacc", tv.y);
        msg_quaternion.set("zacc", tv.z);

I've tried it, and the drone now takes off when I type "commander takeoff", but it flips over...

This is no longer needed, in fact it creates problems now.

I see HIL_STATE_QUATERNION in src/me/drton/jmavsim/Simulator.java and src/me/drton/jmavsim/MAVLinkHILSystem.java. I'm assuming this is resolved and closing this issue.