PX4 / jMAVSim

Simple multirotor simulator with MAVLink protocol support

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Provide keyboard shortcuts to switch the camera view

LorenzMeier opened this issue · comments

@molecule Would it be possible to do the view switching here using keyboard shortcuts instead of hardcoding them? Can we print an instruction line on application startup about that?


Yes I can add that. So it looks like the options are: FPV, on vehicle with gimbal, and static while pointing to vehicle, is that right? What about a flag -v (for view) and then either fpv, gimbal or static as the options? So the usage string could look like this: java -cp lib/*:out/productionjmavsim.jar me.drton.jmavsim.Simulator -udp :14553 -v gimbal

Does that sound good to you?

It sounds good, but keyboard hotkeys would be even better. I think you will often end up wanting to switch views as you fly.

Agree, good idea with hotkeys!

Implemented on master, closing.