PSPDFKit-labs / UWPSignatureOptionsSample

This sample explains how to set electronic signature options programatically in PSPDFKit for Windows

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Updating Signature Options and Interaction Mode programatically

The signature options and interaction mode can be updated programatically by calling the ShowDocumentWithViewStateAsync method on the Controller instance.

        private async void OnPDFViewInitialized(PdfView sender, Document args)
            var document = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/demo.pdf"));
            await PDFView.Controller.ShowDocumentWithViewStateAsync(DocumentSource.CreateFromStorageFile(document), new ViewState
                ElectronicSignatureOptions = new SignatureOptions()
                    CreationModes = new[]
                InteractionMode = InteractionMode.InkSignature


  1. Controller instance is only available after the PDFView is Initialized.
  2. ElectronicSignatureOptions can only be set before a document is loaded.


This sample explains how to set electronic signature options programatically in PSPDFKit for Windows


Language:C# 100.0%