PONOUBA / opensdn_engineer_skill_map

This project named OpenSDN engineer skill map, the goal is to build and update Open SDN technologies and skills of engineers demand by the joint power.

Home Page:http://www.sdnlab.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project named OpenSDN engineer skill map, the goal is to build and update Open SDN technologies and skills of engineers demand by the joint power. 该设想初步形成于2016年12月, 将先发布一个初始版本,在该版本基础上通过开源的方式进行分享,希望能够利用开源的**凝聚更多人的**,共同搭建和完善我们的技能图谱。

Version 1.0

该版本添加各种相关技能初始文件,并进行了初步填充。感谢George Zhao(ODL), Ethan(Centec), 成伟(Centec), 朱河清(Intel), 余欣(Cisco)对本文档内容前期技术支持。




"###"为三级标题, 以此类推


This project named OpenSDN engineer skill map, the goal is to build and update Open SDN technologies and skills of engineers demand by the joint power.
