POLAR-fhiR / fhir2tables-examples

Test and Example Suite for the R-Package fhiR

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Examples using the R-Pakage fhircrackr

Run an Example

$ Rscript ../../fhi.R -s spec-example.R

or with the shell script

$ ./run-example.sh

Run your own Example

  1. Copy an example folder into the same path where the original example folder is
  2. Open your copy of the file spec-example.R in a text editor
  3. Modify points 1 to 8 according to your requirements
  4. Start your copy of run-example.sh
# 1 - a variable named endpoint that stores the endpoint of the fhir server
# 2 - a variable named fhir_search_request that stores the fhir search request without the endpoint part
# 3 - a variable named max_bundles the limit of downloaded bundle count
# 4 - a variable named design that stores the design of the resulting data frames
# 5 - a variable named output_directory the name of the directory where the results should be saved. if it does not exist it will be created.
# 6 - a variable named separator a separator for multiply values in a resource. default is ' -+- '
# 7 - a variable named brackets brackets surrounding the indices for multiply values in a resource. no brackets mean no indexing.
# 8 - a function named post_processing that allows some post processing on the constructed data frames.

# 1 endpoint of a fhir r4 server
#endpoint <-  "https://vonk.fire.ly/R4/"
endpoint <- "https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4"

# 2 fhir_search_request ohne Endpunktangabe
# all blood pressure observations with their related patients and encounters
fhir_search_request <- paste0(
	"&_count=500" )

# 3 max_bundles
# get all bunles available
max_bundles <- Inf

# 4 design
# select what's interresting
design <- list(
	Observations = list(
			O.OID = "id",
			O.PID = "subject/reference",
			O.EID = "encounter/reference",
			DIA   = "component[code/coding/code/@value='8462-4']/valueQuantity/value",
			SYS   = "component[code/coding/code/@value='8480-6']/valueQuantity/value",
			DATE  = "effectiveDateTime"
	Encounters = list(
			E.EID = "id",
			E.PID = "subject/reference",
			START = "period/start",
			END   = "period/end"
	Patients = list(
			P.PID    = "id",
			GVN.NAME = "name/given",
			FAM.NAME = "name/family",
			SEX      = "gender",
			DOB      = "birthDate"

# 5 output_directory
output_directory <- "results"

# 6 separator
separator <- " | "

# 7 brackets for multi entries
# we doen't need brackets, because we don't add indices
brackets <- NULL#c("<", ">")

# 8 filter Data in Tables before Export into output directory
post_processing <- function( lot ) {

	#make ids mergeable
	lot <- lapply(
		function( df ) {

			# find all names with .xID
			pids <- names( df )[ grep( "\\.[A-Z]ID", names( df ) ) ]

			for( p in pids ) {

				# extract id
				df[[ p ]] <- stringr::str_extract( df[[ p ]], "[0-9]+$" )


	#merge all tables by ids
	lot$ALL <-
				by.x = "O.PID",
				by.y = "P.PID",
				all = F
			by.x = "O.EID",
			by.y = "E.EID",
			all = F

	# add age column
	lot$ALL$AGE <- round( as.double( as.Date( lot$ALL$DATE ) - as.Date( lot$ALL$DOB ) ) / 365.25, 2 )

	# select only interresting columns
	lot$ALL <- lot$ALL[ , c( "O.PID", "O.OID", "O.EID", "GVN.NAME", "FAM.NAME", "SEX", "AGE", "DIA", "SYS" ) ]

	# return list of tables

The example above shows in essence:

  1. how to download all Bundles from https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4 containing all Blood Pressure Observations identified by loinc code 85354-9 with all related Patients and Encounters
  2. how to convert all Resources to R Data Frames
  3. and finally how to merge them into one R Data Frame

FHIR Server Endpoints


Test and Example Suite for the R-Package fhiR


Language:R 100.0%