PJLab-ADG / Livox-Mapping

An all-in-one and ready-to-use LiDAR-inertial odometry system for Livox LiDAR

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runtime error

wadefrank opened this issue · comments

roslaunch livox_odometry livox_odometry.launch save_path:="/home/qx263/livox_mapping/src/odom_path.txt"
... logging to /home/qx263/.ros/log/7909962c-93a2-11ec-9067-e4a7a0481322/roslaunch-qx263-28740.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://qx263:33043/



  • /PoseEstimation/Extrinsic_Tlb: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -...
  • /PoseEstimation/IMU_Mode: 2
  • /PoseEstimation/filter_parameter_corner: 0.2
  • /PoseEstimation/filter_parameter_surf: 0.4
  • /PoseEstimation/save_path: /home/qx263/livox...
  • /ScanRegistration/config_file: /home/qx263/livox...
  • /rosdistro: kinetic
  • /rosversion: 1.12.16

PoseEstimation (livox_odometry/PoseEstimation)
ScanRegistration (livox_odometry/ScanRegistration)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [28750]

setting /run_id to 7909962c-93a2-11ec-9067-e4a7a0481322
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [28763]
started core service [/rosout]
process[ScanRegistration-2]: started with pid [28774]
process[PoseEstimation-3]: started with pid [28781]
[ScanRegistration-2] process has died [pid 28774, exit code -11, cmd /home/qx263/livox_mapping/devel/lib/livox_odometry/ScanRegistration __name:=ScanRegistration __log:=/home/qx263/.ros/log/7909962c-93a2-11ec-9067-e4a7a0481322/ScanRegistration-2.log].
log file: /home/qx263/.ros/log/7909962c-93a2-11ec-9067-e4a7a0481322/ScanRegistration-2*.log
[PoseEstimation-3] process has died [pid 28781, exit code -11, cmd /home/qx263/livox_mapping/devel/lib/livox_odometry/PoseEstimation __name:=PoseEstimation __log:=/home/qx263/.ros/log/7909962c-93a2-11ec-9067-e4a7a0481322/PoseEstimation-3.log].
log file: /home/qx263/.ros/log/7909962c-93a2-11ec-9067-e4a7a0481322/PoseEstimation-3*.log

When I play the rosbag, I meet error, I didn't know the reason. I think maybe I used the wrong version of Eigen. Which version of Eigen do you use? And how about the version of Ceres and GTSAM?

Waiting for you reply, thank you!

Hi, thanks for your interest!

we are using:

However, I am fully recommending you just start from our provided docker, which will save you much time.


Since no further questions occurred, I will close this issue.