PINTO0309 / PINTO_model_zoo

A repository for storing models that have been inter-converted between various frameworks. Supported frameworks are TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, OpenVINO, TFJS, TFTRT, TensorFlowLite (Float32/16/INT8), EdgeTPU, CoreML.

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Commercial Licence For Google Meet Virtual Background

NaeemKhan333 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for releasing the Google Meet Background Segmentation Tensorflow JS Model. I have question related to commercial use that can anyone use this model in any commercial application?. Although mediapipe is open source and can this Google Meet Segmentation model can be use in commercial application. Thanks

Recently, the license was changed from Apache 2.0 to Google Terms of Service. I am also keeping a close eye on it to see if it is available for commercial use.

tensorflow/tfjs#4177 (comment)



Hello this issue is nearly 2 month old. Has anyone found if the model can be use in commercial application?

Jitsi started using the model. Not sure what it says about the license.
Any idea why the result doesn't look good in the demo?

The license was found. I think this issue can be closed now.

I have committed the Apache 2.0 model card. 79016cb

If you look at this comment, I think they imply that the media-pipe model cannot be used for commercial purposes. What are your thoughts on this? @PINTO0309