PHuhn / WordPress-Child-Theme-Addons

This is a template for a WordPress child theme. Added a few addons for a little bling and more.

Repository from Github https://github.comPHuhn/WordPress-Child-Theme-AddonsRepository from Github https://github.comPHuhn/WordPress-Child-Theme-Addons


This is a template for a WordPress child theme with a number of custom addons.

The addons are as follows:


gc_get_season is a PHP function that returns the following possible sting values:

  • spring
  • summer
  • autumn
  • winter

One use is that this function can be used to inject a season into the page's class. For example, say in twenty-twenty theme copy header.php into child theme and change the following from:

<body <?php body_class(); ?>>


<body <?php body_class(gc_get_season( )); ?>>

The above will render as follows:

<body class="page-template-default page page-id-667 ... winter ...">

gc-fade animation

gc-fade animation is a combination of Javascript and CSS.

Each usage requires adding two CSS classes to the block:

  • gc-show-on-scroll gc-fade-in
  • gc-show-on-scroll gc-fade-up
  • gc-show-on-scroll gc-fade-down
  • gc-show-on-scroll gc-fade-right
  • gc-show-on-scroll gc-fade-left
  • gc-show-once-on-scroll gc-fade-in
  • gc-show-once-on-scroll gc-fade-up
  • gc-show-once-on-scroll gc-fade-down
  • gc-show-once-on-scroll gc-fade-right
  • gc-show-once-on-scroll gc-fade-left

Additional stand-alone animation:

  • gc-pulse

gc_counter animation

[gc_counter] animation is a combination of PHP (shortcode), Javascript and CSS.

The following is an example of the shortcode:

[gc_counter id="cups-1" start="1000" end="2000" inc="50" interval="80"]

The arguments are as follows:

  • id: (not require) will assign a div id ('id' value must be unique on the page)
  • start: (defaults to 0) is the starting counter value
  • end: (defaults to 100) is the ending counter value
  • inc: (defaults to 5, not less than 1) is the incremental value of the counter
  • interval: (defaults to 100) is the number of milliseconds between increments

gc_marquee animation

[gc_marquee] animation is a combination of PHP (shortcode), Javascript and CSS. [gc_marquee] displays a marquee/ticker.

The following is an example of the shortcode:

[gc_marquee id="marq-1" text="Short marquee text!" milli-sec="16000" height="75" bg-color="black" text-color="#dddddd" text-tag="h3" margin="15" weight="bold"]

The arguments are as follows:

  • id: (not require) assigns an id for the outer tag ('id' value must be unique on the page).
  • text: (required) text for the marquee.
  • milli-sec: (defaults to 20000 or 20 seconds) # of milliseconds to finish one full pass
  • height: (defaults to 28px) style height applied to outer tag.
  • bg-color: (defaults to system) background color applied to outer tag.
  • text-color: (defaults to system) font color applied to outer tag.
  • text-tag: (defaults to p) HTML inner tag value (no > and <).
  • margin: (defaults to none) style applied to inner tag, if 5 then would look like 'margin 5px auto;'.
  • weight: (defaults to none) font-weight style applied to inner tag.

gc_type_writer animation

[gc_type_writer] animation is a combination of PHP (shortcode), Javascript and CSS. [gc_type_writer] displays text a letter or word at a time.

The following are examples of the shortcode:

[gc_type_writer id="tw-1" text="Short typewriter text!" type="letter" milli-sec="60" bg-color="black" text-color="#dddddd" text-tag="h3" weight="bold"]


[gc_type_writer id="tw-2" text="Short typewriter text!" type="word" milli-sec="450" bg-color="darkgray" text-color="red" text-tag="p" weight="bold"]

The arguments are as follows:

  • id: (not require) assigns an id for the tag ('id' value must be unique on the page),
  • text: (required) text for the typewriter,
  • type: (default is letter) options of letter/word,
  • milli-sec: (default 50 or 1/20 seconds) # of milliseconds between typing,
  • bg-color: (system default) background color applied to the tag,
  • text-color: (system default) font color applied to the tag,
  • text-tag: (default is p) HTML tag value,
  • weight: (defaults to none) font-weight style applied to the tag.


[gc_slider] returns the HTML code for an animated GC slider. [gc_slider] is a two part shortcode as follows [gc_slider]content[/gc_slider]. The content is embedded and should be another list of shortcodes. Also see the [gc_image_item] shortcode. This is a wrapper for other shortcodes or content. It renders a collection of items, all set to display: none (i.e. hidden). The JavaScript loops through each item to display the item.


That [gc_slider] will remove <br /> from the output. If you want to use a br in the embedded content, try using a <br/> instead.

[gc_slider] shortcode example:

[gc_slider type='image' aria_label='Beautiful sunrises on Lake Huron' milli_sec='5500' bg_color='#dddddd' text_color='brown']Your content here...[/gc_slider]

The arguments are as follows:

  • id: (not require) assigns an id for the tag ('id' value must be unique on the page),
  • type: (required, default none) type/role of slider, options are img/list,
  • aria_label: (default 'Marketing images') accessibility value for the slider,
  • milli_sec: (default 5000 or 5 seconds) # of milliseconds to finish one full pass,
  • header: (default none) header for the slider,
  • footer: (default none) footer for the slider,
  • bg_color: (default none) background color applied to outer div tag,
  • text_color: (default none) font color applied to outer div tag.
  • border_color: (default is none) style for border, if value then 1px solid border,


[gc_image_item] is used with the [gc_slider] shortcode. This displays an image on one half of the screen and the title on the other half. Both the image and the title slide in on the 'image_side'. The animation is done by CSS @keyframes.


That [gc_slider] will remove
from the output. If you want to use a br in the embedded content, try using a


[gc_image_item id='ii-1' image_id='22' image_title='Beautiful sunrise' image_side='right' bg_color='#dddddd' text_color='brown']

The arguments are as follows:

  • id: (not require) assigns an id for the tag ('id' value must be unique on the page),
  • image_id: (default is none) id for an image, use either 'image_id' or 'image_url' to get image,
  • image_title: (required, default none) display message (title) beside the image,
  • title_font_size: (required, default '60px') Font size of the image_title value,
  • image_side: (required, default 'right') which side the image is on, options right/left,
  • image_url: (default none) use either 'image_id' or 'image_url' to define which image,
  • image_alt: (default none) needed if used 'image_url', if 'image_id' used, it can get the value from the image (if available),
  • bg_color: (default none) background color applied to title div tag,
  • text_color: (default none) font color applied to title div tag.

gc_slider and gc_image_item example

Combine the [gc_slider] with the [gc_image_item] to create an image slider.

If one needs to apply additional CSS, then I suggest using an 'id' for the slider for a reference selector. Then I suggest the 'id' might be best to be unique across the site.


[gc_slider id='is-1' type='image' aria_label='Beautiful sunrises on Lake Huron' title='Sunrises' milli_sec='5500' bg_color='#dddddd' text_color='brown']
[gc_image_item id='ii-1' image_id='1370' image_title='Beautiful sunrise' image_side='right' bg_color='#eeeeee' text_color='black']
[gc_image_item id='ii-2' image_id='1369' image_title='Another sunrise' image_side='left' bg_color='#eeeeee' text_color='brown']
[gc_image_item id='ii-1' image_id='1368' image_title='Beautiful sunrise' image_side='right' bg_color='#eeeeee' text_color='black']
[gc_image_item id='ii-2' image_id='1367' image_title='Another sunrise' image_side='left' bg_color='#eeeeee' text_color='brown']


[gc_slider_item] is used with the [gc_slider] shortcode.
This shortcode wrappers content. [gc_slider_item] is a two part shortcode as follows:


The animation is done by CSS @keyframes.


That [gc_slider_item] will remove
from the output. If you want to use a br in the embedded content, try using a


[gc_slider_item id='si-1' animate='fade-right' bg_color='#dddddd' text_color='brown']
 <div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; heigth: 100px;">Hello World</div>

The arguments are as follows:

  • id: An id for the outer tag (unique value on the page).
  • type: Type/role of slider item, option is img/list (default is none),
  • animate: Options for fade-in animation (default is none),
    • fade-left
    • fade-big-left
    • fade-right
    • fade-big-right
    • fade-in
    • fade-up
    • fade-down
  • bg_color: style background color applied to outer tag, default is none.
  • text_color: style font color applied to outer tag, default is none.
  • border_color: style for border, if value then 1px solid border, (default is none)


gc_box_posts is a PHP (shortcode) function and CSS, that lists posts in two formats. The formats are as follows:

  • rectangle: rectangular image with post title in white field,
  • circle: post image inside of a circle, with title below.

Posts can be selected in any combination of three way:

  • post_type: a custom post type,
  • category: a post category,
  • tag: a post tag.

The following is an example of the shortcode:

[gc_box_posts format='rectangle' category_slug='meetings' tag_slug='2020' posts_per_row=3 showposts=6]


[gc_box_posts format='circle' category_slug='hnv-blogs' showposts=5]

The arguments are as follows:

  • format: (default is rectangle) rectangle or circle,
  • post_type: (default to none) a custom post type,
  • category_slug: (default to none) a post category slug or comma separated slugs, if blank the latest posts,
  • tag_slug: (default to none) a post tag slug or comma separated slugs, if blank then see category_slug
  • posts_per_row: (default is 5) the number of posts displayed in a row,
  • showposts: (default is 5) the number of posts to display.


[gc_posts_slider] returns the HTML code for a GC animate a slider. The posts displayed can be a category, tag or custom post type.


[gc_posts_slider id='ps-1' aria_label='Latest Meetings' category_slug='meetings' tag_slug='2020' show_posts=5 border_color='red']

Such that:

  • id: An id for the outer tag (unique value on the page).
  • type: Type/role of slider, option is img/list (default is none this is required),
  • aria_label: Accessibility value for the slider (default is none),
  • milli_sec: # of milliseconds to finish one full pass (default 6000 or 6 seconds),
  • header: Header for the slider (default is none),
  • footer: Footer for the slider (default is none),
  • bg_color: style background color applied to outer tag (default is none),
  • text_color: style font color applied to outer tag (default is none),
  • border_color: style for border, if value then 1px solid border (default is none),
  • animate: Options for fade animation (default is fade-right),
    • fade-left
    • fade-big-left
    • fade-right
    • fade-big-right
    • fade-in
    • fade-up
    • fade-down
  • post_type: a custom post type (default to none),
  • category_slug: a post category slug or comma separated slugs (default is none), if blank the latest posts
  • tag_slug: a post tag slug or comma separated slugs (default is none), if blank then see category_slug
  • show_posts: the number of posts to displayed (the default is 5),
  • show_date: include the date, option true/false (default is true),
  • show_author: include the author, option true/false (default is true),
  • orderby: order by option (default is 'date'),
  • order: order direction option DESC/ASC (default is 'DESC')


gc_year is a PHP (shortcode) function that returns the current year.

The following is an example of the shortcode:


One usage might be to display the copyright date in the footer as follows:

&copy; [gc_year] by Northern Software Group

GC Mega-menu .gc-is-mega-sub-menu

Mega-menu is a menu that expands across the page (not so much down the page). Mega-menu is a possible solution of a long menu dropdown or navigating sub-sub-menus. For example, the following menu structure:

  • WP Features
    • Theme Templates
      • Template Default
      • Template Full Width
      • Template Cover
    • Blocks
      • Text
      • Media
      • Design
      • Gallery
      • Widgets

By placing gc-is-mega-sub-menu class on the top menu item of WP Features, the menu will be displayed as the following:

WP Features
 Theme Templates         Blocks
  Template Default        Text
  Template Full Width     Media
  Template Cover          Design

The above example solves navigating sub sub-menus. If one has an overly long dropdown, one could group the dropdown into categories, thusly forming a similar structure as the example.

Unfortunately, menu CSS varies greatly from theme to theme, so I have coded 2 pure CSS solutions for the 2020 and 2022 themes.

See the wiki documentation instruction for implementing either solution.

GC Mega-Menu Documentation


For more information see the Wiki:



This is a template for a WordPress child theme. Added a few addons for a little bling and more.


Language:PHP 56.2%Language:CSS 26.6%Language:JavaScript 17.2%