PHILO-HE / Cosine-Distance-KNN-Java-API

Provides Java API for cosine distance based KNN algorithm of Intel oneDAL.

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Java Wrapper for Cosine Distance Based KNN Algorithm


This project provides a Java wrapper for cosine distance based KNN algorithm of Intel oneDAL.

In current implementation, the program (C++ part) will read train/test data from two CSV files. And the paths for them are required to be passed through Java API. User can also provide neighbors count through Java API. As the result of inference, two tables will be created in JVM: indices table & distances table.


  • JDK
  • gcc/g++ (6.x or above, 7.3.1 is workable), as application compiler
  • Intel C/C++ compiler (ICC), for compiling oneDAL libs from source code (optional)
  • Intel OneDAL

Build OneDAL (Optional)

You can directly install oneDAL libs if a released version meets your requirement.

In currently latest release, cosine distance based KNN algorithm is not included. So we need build oneDAL from source code.

Github link:

  • For resolving JNI dependencies (can be skipped if already set):


    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

    export CPATH=$JAVA_HOME/include:$JAVA_HOME/include/linux:$CPATH

  • Download dependencies:

    Go to OneDAL source code home directory.



    source ./__deps/tbb/lnx/env/ intel64

  • Build oneDAL with GNU compiler:

    make -f makefile daal oneapi_c PLAT=lnx32e COMPILER=gnu

    source <ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/env/

    The above source command will set LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LIBRARY_PATH to include <ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/lib/intel64

    With GNU used to compile oneDAL, the algorithm may perform 2~3 times worse, compared with Intel ICC which introduces optimizations with avx instruction sets. So it is recommended to install ICC and make the compilation with ICC.

Build This Project

  • Build Java wrapper and generate header

    Navigate to <PROJECT_HOME>/src/java.

    javac -h . com/intel/algorithm/

    Then, com_intel_algorithm_CosineDistanceKNN.h will be generated in current path.

  • Build C++ code

    g++ ../native/com/intel/algorithm/CosineDistanceKNN.cpp -L<ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/lib/intel64 \ -lonedal_core -lonedal -lonedal_thread -lJavaAPI -std=c++17 -fPIC -shared -o -I$JAVA_HOME/include \ -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux -I<PROJECT_HOME>/src/java -I<ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/include \ -I<ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/examples/oneapi/cpp/source


    -L<ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/lib/intel64 can be removed if the path is already included in LIBRARY_PATH & LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

    Either -lonedal_sequential or -lonedal_thread should be provided. -lonedal_sequential means sequential implementations for algorithms will be used, which will lead to worse performance, compared with -lonedal_thread. So we recommend to use -lonedal_thread in compiling.

    -I$JAVA_HOME/include & -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux should be added to help the compiler find jni.h, provided by JDK.

    -I<PROJECT_HOME>/src/java provides the directory where com_intel_algorithm_CosineDistanceKNN.h is located.

    -I<ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/include provides the directory where required headers are located. Headers inside sub-dir can be used by program via #include "sub-dir/xxx.h".

    -I<ONEDAL_HOME>/__release_lnx_gnu/daal/latest/examples/oneapi/cpp/source is required since #include "example_util/utils.hpp" is introduced into our C++ program to easily print result.

    A shared lib named will be created in current directory. The lib name is hard coded in Java code for loading it at runtime. So do NOT change it.

    You can use ldd -r to check whether there is any "undefined symbol" issue, which is generally caused by incorrectly setting for -L (or LD_LIBRARY_PATH & LIBRARY_PATH) or -l in compiling the shared lib.


  • Train/test data



  • Compile & run application code

    Navigate to <PROJECT_HOME>/src/java.

    javac com/intel/algorithm/

    java -Djava.library.path=. <PATH_TO_TRAIN_DATA> <PATH_TO_TEST_DATA> > output.log

    The path for shared lib,, is specified via -Djava.library.path. To run the class without depending execution position, you can set CLASSPATH, e.g. export CLASSPATH=<PROJECT_HOME>/src/java:$CLASSPATH.


To benchmark the algorithm's performance, you can run either pure C++ code or mixed Java/C++ code. Dataset is randomly generated inside the test.

  • Pure C++

    Go to '<PROJECT_HOME>/src/native/com/intel/algorithm'.

    There is a pure C++ implementation named knn_search_cosine_similarity_pure_c_plus_plus.cpp (contributed by Kirill Petrov).

    export LIBRARY_PATH=<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/lib/intel64:<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/tbb/latest/lib/intel64/

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/lib/intel64:<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/tbb/latest/lib/intel64/

    Generally, the above <ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME> is the path for directory named __release_lnx (compiled by ICC) or __release_lnx_gnu (compiled by GNU compiler).

    g++ knn_search_cosine_similarity_pure_c_plus_plus.cpp -lonedal_core -lonedal -lonedal_thread -lJavaAPI -std=c++17 -fPIC -o knn_pure_c_plus_plus.out -I<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/include -I<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/examples/oneapi/cpp/source

    ./knn_pure_c_plus_plus.out 1000000 512 100 10

    Here, 1000000 means rows count for train dataset, 512 means columns count, 100 means rows count for test dataset, and 10 means neighbors count.

  • Java/C++ mixed code

    Go to <PROJECT_HOME>/src/java.

    javac -h . com/intel/algorithm/

    g++ <PROJECT_HOME>/src/native/com/intel/algorithm/CosineDistanceKNN.cpp -L<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/lib/intel64 -lonedal_core -lonedal -lonedal_thread -lJavaAPI -std=c++17 -fPIC -shared -o -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux -I<PROJECT_HOME>/src/java -I<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/include -I<ONEDAL_RELEASE_HOME>/daal/latest/examples/oneapi/cpp/source

    javac com/intel/algorithm/

    java -Djava.library.path=. 1000000 512 100 10

    The meaning of the above given args is as same as that for pure C++ code.

Integration to Your Project

  • Install OneDAL release (for future release contains cosine distance based KNN) or build from source code.

  • Introduce the below source code into your project

    ./src/java/com/intel/algorithm/ (Java API)



    You need to build a shared lib named, as the above instructions show.

Future Work

The current implementation is quite straightforward. In the future, we can consider the seamless integration into frameworks or pipelines. If test data comes from other source of Java program, we will need to pass the data to C++ code through JNI.

Another consideration is data scale. If there is very large amount of data as result, creating tables on JVM will consume a lot of memory resource and bring non-ignorable latency. In this case, it may be better to keep the data on native memory and provide Java API for accessing certain row(s) of data.



Provides Java API for cosine distance based KNN algorithm of Intel oneDAL.


Language:C++ 66.6%Language:Java 33.4%