This folder, attic, contains code fragments.
Like most attics, this attic needs a good cleaning.
Some fragments are from the usual places on the web,, stackoverflow, etc.
Some fragments are DIY code written in class.
Some fragments are as-is as found on the web while others are heavily modified to make work or add functionality.
Some fragments are useful, some are not.
Most fragments work, some don't.
fastforward.cpp - a summary of OOP345.
funcptr.cpp - examples of the many ways of passing function names to other functions: direct call, c-style function pointer, c++-style function pointer, function object (functor), lambda, bind examples of interesting functions to pass function to: thread, async, packaged_task
sp?.cpp - smart pointer resources
mi-*.cpp - multiple inheritance resources, clone+diamond problem
template-simple.cpp - simple example of class and function template
theading?01?.cpp - threading101?.cpp - basic threading, mutexes - threading201?.cpp - futures and promises - threading301?.cpp - async, packaged_task - threading401?.cpp - how things were done before async + packaged task
thread-*.cpp - cool thread code, such as thread pools
ll*.cpp - linked list code
cirq.cpp - circular linked list or q
moveSimple.cpp - move semantics
stl-calc-*.cpp - postfix calculator using stl stack, list, vector, deque containers
vectorchar*.cpp - how to make a string class based on std::vector
dp-composite*.cpp - composite (tree) design pattern code
alarmsetjmp.cpp + setjmp*.cpp - use alarm and setjmp to do interesting things
swap.cpp - swapping data in place (without using a temporary) using xor and add operators.
asmlist.cpp - how to generate an in-line assembler listing of the code generated by the compiler
popen.cpp - how to start up a pipe to a program and read the output from the program
ocl_c++11.cpp - how to run a minimal OpenCL program on a GPU using C++11 features
folder threading-concurrency_in_action - pdf and sample code from Concurancy in Action book