Outliers1106 / AVA_hpa

mindspore implementation of AVA in hpa dataset.

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AVA-hpa is a two-stage model which contains self-supervised pre-training stage and supervised learning stage. The aim of AVA-hpa is to promote the performance on recognition of protein subcellular localization in immunofluorescence microscopic images.

The overall network architecture of AVA-hpa is shown in original paper.

Original dataset is from Human Protein Atlas (www.proteinatlas.org). After post-processing, we obtain a custom dataset including 4 parts ( link1, link2, link3, link4) which is about 6.5GB.

  • Dataset size: 173,594 color images (512$\times$512), 13,261 bags in 27 classes
  • Data format: RGB images.
    • Note: Data will be processed in src/datasets.py
  • Directory structure of the dataset:
  ├── ENSG00000001167
  │   ├──686_A3_2_blue_red_green.jpg_1.jpg
  │   ├──686_A3_2_blue_red_green.jpg_2.jpg
  │   ├──686_A3_2_blue_red_green.jpg_3.jpg
  │   ├──......
  ├── ENSG00000001630
  ├── ENSG00000002330
  ├── ENSG00000003756
  ├── ......

After installing MindSpore via the official website, you can start training and evaluation as follows:

  • run on Ascend
    # standalone pre-training
    bash scripts/run_pretrain.sh
    # standalone training
    bash scripts/run_train.sh
    # standalone evaluation
    bash scripts/run_eval.sh
  • run on GPU
    # standalone pre-training
    bash scripts/run_pretrain_gpu.sh
    # standalone training
    bash scripts/run_train_gpu.sh
    # standalone evaluation
    bash scripts/run_eval_gpu.sh

Inside scripts, there are some parameter settings that can be adjusted for pre-training/training/evaluation.

  . AVA-hpa
  ├── Readme.md                      # descriptions about AVA-hpa
  ├── scripts
  │   ├──run_pretrain.sh             # script to pre-train
  │   ├──run_train.sh                # script to train
  │   ├──run_eval.sh                 # script to eval
  ├── src
  │   ├──RandAugment                 # data augmentation polices
  │   ├──callbacks.py                # loss callback 
  │   ├──config.py                   # parameter configuration
  │   ├──datasets.py                 # creating dataset
  │   ├──eval_metrics.py             # evaluation metrics
  │   ├──loss.py                     # contrastive loss and BCE loss
  │   ├──lr_schedule.py              # learning rate config
  │   ├──network_define_eval.py      # evaluation cell
  │   ├──network_define_pretrain.py  # pre-train cell
  │   ├──network_define_train.py     # train cell
  │   └──resnet.py                  # backbone network
  ├── enhanced.csv                   # labels of hpa dataset
  ├── eval.py                        # evaluation script
  ├── pretrain.py                    # pre-training script
  └── train.py                       # training script

Parameters for both pre-training and training can be set in src/config.py

  • config for pre-training

    # base setting
    "description": "description.",        # description for pre-training   
    "prefix": prefix,                     # prefix for pre-training
    "time_prefix": time_prefix,           # time prefix
    "network": "resnet18",                # network architecture
    "low_dims": 128,                      # the dim of last layer's feature
    "use_MLP": True,                      # whether use MLP
    # save
    "save_checkpoint": True,              # whether save ckpt
    "save_checkpoint_epochs": 1,          # save per <num> epochs
    "keep_checkpoint_max": 2,             # save at most <num> ckpt
    # dataset
    "dataset": "hpa",                     # dataset name
    "bag_size": 1,                        # bag size = 1 for pre-training
    "classes": 10,                        # class number
    "num_parallel_workers": 8,            # num_parallel_workers
    # optimizer
    "base_lr": 0.003,                     # init learning rate
    "type": "SGD",                        # optimizer type
    "momentum": 0.9,                      # momentum
    "weight_decay": 5e-4,                 # weight decay
    "loss_scale": 1,                      # loss scale
    "sigma": 0.1,                         # $\tau$
    # trainer
    "batch_size": 32,                     # batch size
    "epochs": 100,                        # epochs for pre-training
    "lr_schedule": "cosine_lr",           # learning rate schedule
    "lr_mode": "epoch",                   # "epoch" or "step"
    "warmup_epoch": 0,                    # epochs for warming up
  • config for training

    # base setting
    "description": "description.",        # description for pre-training  
    "prefix": prefix,	                    # prefix for training
    "time_prefix": time_prefix,           # time prefix
    "network": "resnet18",                # network architecture
    "low_dims": 128,                      # ignoring this for training
    "use_MLP": False,                     # whether use MLP (False)
    # save
    "save_checkpoint": True,              # whether save ckpt
    "save_checkpoint_epochs": 1,          # save per <num> epochs
    "keep_checkpoint_max": 2,             # save at most <num> ckpt
    # dataset
    "dataset": "hpa",	                    # dataset name
    "bag_size_for_train": 1,              # bag size = 1 for training 
    "bag_size_for_eval": 20,              # bag size = 20 for evaluation
    "classes": 10,                        # class number
    "num_parallel_workers": 8,            # num_parallel_workers
    # optimizer
    "base_lr": 0.0001,                    # init learning rate
    "type": "Adam",                       # optimizer type
    "beta1": 0.5,                         # beta1
    "beta2": 0.999,                       # beta2
    "weight_decay": 0,                    # weight decay
    "loss_scale": 1,                      # loss scale
    # trainer
    "batch_size_for_train": 8,            # batch size for training
    "batch_size_for_eval": 1,             # batch size for evaluation
    "epochs": 20,	                        # training epochs
    "eval_per_epoch": 1,                  # eval per <num> epochs
    "lr_schedule": "cosine_lr",           # learning rate schedule
    "lr_mode": "epoch",                   # "epoch" or "step"
    "warmup_epoch": 0,                    # epochs for warming up
  • running on Ascend
    bash scripts/run_pretrain.sh
  • running on GPU
    bash scripts/run_pretrain_gpu.sh

The loss value will be achieved as follows:

2021-01-15 00:11:06,861 - INFO: the 1 epoch's resnet result:  training loss 5.881546497344971,training per step cost 0.23 s, total_cost 763.72 s
2021-01-15 00:24:20,573 - INFO: the 2 epoch's resnet result:  training loss -4.4250054359436035,training per step cost 0.24 s, total_cost 793.71 s
2021-01-15 00:37:51,632 - INFO: the 3 epoch's resnet result:  training loss -5.982544422149658,training per step cost 0.25 s, total_cost 811.06 s
  • running on Ascend
    bash scripts/run_train.sh
  • running on GPU
    bash scripts/run_train_gpu.sh

The loss value will be achieved as follows:

2020-12-18 23:19:33,929 - INFO: the 1 epoch's resnet result:  training loss 0.2797913578611862,training per step cost 0.14 s, total_cost 1245.61 s
2020-12-18 23:25:39,857 - INFO: the 1 epoch's Eval result: f1_macro 0.29109520657475296, f1_micro 0.5977175463623395, auc 0.9131143166119532,eval cost 365.93 s
2020-12-18 23:44:25,443 - INFO: the 2 epoch's resnet result:  training loss 0.23317653393904286,training per step cost 0.13 s, total_cost 1125.58 s
2020-12-18 23:48:54,067 - INFO: the 2 epoch's Eval result: f1_macro 0.4803126504695009, f1_micro 0.6413352272727273, auc 0.9364969330561459,eval cost 268.62 s
  • running on Ascend
    bash scripts/run_eval.sh
  • running on GPU
    bash scripts/run_eval_gpu.sh

The value of performance will be achieved as follows:

{'results_return': ( 0.6975821515082009, 0.7734114826162249, 0.9415286419176973)} #macroF1,microF1,auc


mindspore implementation of AVA in hpa dataset.


Language:Python 96.0%Language:Shell 4.0%