Orrmj / pylint-odoo

Odoo plugin for Pylint

Home Page:http://www.pylint.org

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Pylint Odoo plugin

Enable custom checks for Odoo modules.

Code Description short name
C8101 One of the following authors must be present in manifest: %s manifest-required-author
C8102 Missing required key "%s" in manifest file manifest-required-key
C8103 Deprecated key "%s" in manifest file manifest-deprecated-key
C8105 License "%s" not allowed in manifest file. license-allowed
C8106 Wrong Version Format "%s" in manifest file. Regex to match: "%s" manifest-version-format
C8107 String parameter on "%s" requires translation. Use %s_(%s) translation-required
C8108 Name of compute method should start with "compute" method-compute
C8109 Name of search method should start with "search" method-search
C8110 Name of inverse method should start with "inverse" method-inverse
C8111 Manifest key development_status "%s" not allowed. Use one of: %s. development-status-allowed
C8112 Missing ./README.rst file. Template here: %s missing-readme
E8101 The author key in the manifest file must be a string (with comma separated values) manifest-author-string
E8102 Use of cr.commit() directly - More info https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/blob/master/website/Contribution/CONTRIBUTING.rst#never-commit-the-transaction invalid-commit
E8103 SQL injection risk. Use parameters if you can. - More info https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/blob/master/website/Contribution/CONTRIBUTING.rst#no-sql-injection sql-injection
E8104 The maintainers key in the manifest file must be a list of strings manifest-maintainers-list
E8106 Use of external request method %s without timeout. It could wait for a long time external-request-timeout
E8130 Test folder imported in module %s test-folder-imported
F8101 File "%s": "%s" not found. resource-not-exist
R8101 odoo.exceptions.Warning is a deprecated alias to odoo.exceptions.UserError use from odoo.exceptions import UserError odoo-exception-warning
R8180 Consider merging classes inherited to "%s" from %s. consider-merging-classes-inherited
W8103 Translation method _("string") in fields is not necessary. translation-field
W8105 attribute "%s" deprecated attribute-deprecated
W8106 Missing super call in "%s" method. method-required-super
W8110 Missing return (super is used) in method %s. missing-return
W8111 Field parameter "%s" is no longer supported. Use "%s" instead. renamed-field-parameter
W8113 The attribute string is redundant. String parameter equal to name of variable attribute-string-redundant
W8114 Website "%s" in manifest key is not a valid URI website-manifest-key-not-valid-uri
W8115 Translatable term in "%s" contains variables. Use %s instead translation-contains-variable
W8116 Print used. Use logger instead. print-used
W8120 Translation method _(%s) is using positional string printf formatting. Use named placeholder _("%%(placeholder)s") instead. translation-positional-used
W8121 Context overridden using dict. Better using kwargs with_context(**%s) or with_context(key=value) context-overridden
W8125 The file "%s" is duplicated %d times from manifest key "%s" manifest-data-duplicated
W8138 pass into block except. If you really need to use the pass consider logging that exception except-pass
W8150 Same Odoo module absolute import. You should use relative import with "." instead of "odoo.addons.%s" odoo-addons-relative-import
W8202 Use of vim comment use-vim-comment


# pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/oca/pylint-odoo.git


# pip install --upgrade --pre pylint-odoo

Usage pre-commit-config.yaml

Add to your ".pre-commit-config.yaml" configuration file the following input

    - repo: https://github.com/OCA/pylint-odoo
        rev: v8.0.5
        # Add to your .pylintrc file:
        # [MASTER]
        # load-plugins=pylint.extensions.docstyle, pylint.extensions.mccabe
        - id: pylint


pylint --load-plugins=pylint_odoo -e odoolint path/to/test

or use configuration file (find example configuration in https://github.com/OCA/pylint-odoo/tree/master/pylint_odoo/examples/.pylintrc):

pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc path/to/test

Example to test just odoo-lint case:

touch {ADDONS-PATH}/__init__.py

pylint --load-plugins=pylint_odoo -d all -e odoolint {ADDONS-PATH}


This repository is licensed under AGPL-3.0.

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.


Odoo plugin for Pylint



Language:Python 99.3%Language:JavaScript 0.7%