a http gateway for Microsoft Orleans.
Install-Package Orleans.HttpGateway.AspNetCore
public void ConfigureService(IServiceCollection services)
// add known grain interface assemblies
Assembly grainInterfaceAssembly = GetGrainInterfacesAssembly();
services.AddOrleansHttpGateway(c => c.AddAssemblies(grainInterfaceAssembly));
// ensure IGrainFactory is registered in the service container
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
// register the middleware in the application
// note: the middleware internally uses Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing
// default route is: "{grainInterface}/{grainId}/{grainMethod}"
IMPORTANT: Please note that ALL grains are accessible with this gateway, it is adviceable to not publicly expose the endpoint and use any of the default methods to securing your web app
Grainmethods can be invoked using the following url format
Providing method parameters
given the following grain interface:
public interface ITestGrain : IGrainWithStringKey
Task<int> TestGrainMethod(string p1, bool p2, string[]p3);
parameters can be supplied by QueryParameters for GET
requests, e.g. ?p1=one&p2=true&p3=[a,b,c]
complex parameters can also be provided in the request body using PUT
, names of the root elements must match the variable names in the GrainInterface and contenttype must be application/json
"p3": ["a","b","c"]
note: not supplied values will default to null in the resulting grain call
Using Compound Grain Keys
Compound keys can be provided, seperated with a ,
e.g for an IGrainWithIntegerCompoundKey: http://localhost:5000/Orleans.HttpGateway.AspNetCore.Tests.ITestGrain3/1234,myStringkey/GetObjectWith2Parameters?one=1&two=okay
this project uses ObjectMethodExecutor
from https://github.com/aspnet/Common/tree/dev/shared/Microsoft.Extensions.ObjectMethodExecutor.Sources