Origho-precious / url-shortener-api

Go server for URL shortening and QR code generation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

URL Shortener Server

The server is responsible for handling user authentication, URL shortening, analytics, and other backend functionalities.

Technologies Used

  • Golang: Programming language used for backend development.
  • Gin: Web framework for Golang, used for building web applications.
  • go-jwt: Library for JSON Web Tokens (JWT) implementation in Golang, used for user authentication and session management.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database used for storing user account information, URL mappings, and analytics data.
  • imagekit: Go client library for the ImageKit.io API, used for saving generated QR code images.
  • go-qr-code: Library for generating QR codes in Golang.
  • mail-trap: Library for send emails, this application specifically uses mailtrap templates accessed via API.
  • godotenv: Go library for loading environment variables from a .env file.

Getting Started:

To get started with the project, clone the repository and run:

go mod download


go mod tidy

Create a new file in ./server directory called .env and copy & paste what is in .env.example into it:

# SERVER configs
GIN_MODE=debug # Options: debug, release, test

# MAILTRAP configs


# IMAGEKIT configs

Make sure to replace the placeholders with your actual credentials.

Start the server by running:

go run main.go

API Endpoints

Sure! Here are all the endpoints defined for both the user and URL routers:

User Endpoints

  1. POST /v1/api/users/

    • Description: Register a new user.
    • Handler: HandleSignup function in the controllers package.
    • Body:
      	"email": "", // required
      	"password": "", // required
      	"fullName": "" // required
  2. POST /v1/api/users/login

    • Description: Log in an existing user.
    • Handler: HandleLogin function in the controllers package.
    • Body:
    	"email": "", // required
    	"password": "" // required
  3. POST /v1/api/users/verify

    • Description: Verify user email address.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: HandleEmailVerification function in the controllers package.
    • Body:
    	"token": ""
  4. GET /v1/api/users/resend-verification-token

    • Description: Resend email verification token.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: HandleEmailVerificationTokenResend function in the controllers package.
  5. POST /v1/api/users/forgot-password

    • Description: Initiate forgot password flow.
    • Handler: HandleForgotPassword function in the controllers package.
    • Body:
    	"email": "" // required
  6. PATCH /v1/api/users/reset-password

    • Description: Reset user password.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: HandlePasswordReset function in the controllers package.
    • Query Params:
    	"token": "" // required
    • Body:
    	"password": "" // required
  7. GET /v1/api/users/me

    • Description: Get user profile.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: GetUserProfile function in the controllers package.
  8. PATCH /v1/api/users/edit

    • Description: Edit user full name.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: HandleUserFullNameEdit function in the controllers package.
    • Body:
    	"fullName": "" // required

URL Endpoints

  1. POST /v1/api/urls/

    • Description: Create a new shortened URL.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: HandleCreateShortUrl function in the controllers package.
    • Body:
    	"url": "", // required
    	"alias": "",
    	"expireDate": ""
  2. GET /v1/api/urls/

    • Description: Retrieve all URLs shortened by the user.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: GetUrlsByUserID function in the controllers package.
    • Query Params:
    	"page": "",
    	"limit": ""
  3. DELETE /v1/api/urls/:id/delete

    • Description: Delete a shortened URL by its ID.
    • Middleware: Requires authentication token.
    • Handler: HandleUrlDelete function in the controllers package.
  4. GET /redirect/:slug

    • Description: Redirect to the original URL associated with the given slug.
    • Handler: RedirectToLongUrl function in the controllers package.



Go server for URL shortening and QR code generation.



Language:Go 100.0%