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Source code of paper: MFND3R: Multivariate Forecasting Network with Deep Data-Driven Reconstruction for Engineering Application

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MFND3R: Multivariate Forecasting Network with Deep Data-Driven Reconstruction for Engineering Application

Python 3.8 PyTorch 1.11.0 cuDNN 8.2.0 License CC BY-NC-SA

This is the origin Pytorch implementation of MFND3R in the following paper: [MFND3R: Multivariate Forecasting Network with Deep Data-Driven Reconstruction for Engineering Application](Manuscript submitted to EAAI).

The Entire Architecture of MFND3R

Figure 1. The entire architecture of MFND3R.


  • Python 3.8.8
  • matplotlib == 3.3.4
  • numpy == 1.20.1
  • pandas == 1.2.4
  • scipy == 1.9.0
  • scikit_learn == 0.24.1
  • torch == 1.11.0

Dependencies can be installed using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


ETT, ECL and weather dataset were acquired at: here. Solar and PEMS dataset were acquired at: here. M4 dataset was acquired at: M4. Ship dataset was in ./data/Ship/ and its raw data was in https://coast.noaa.gov/htdata/CMSP/AISDataHandler/2022/index.html.

Data Preparation

After you acquire raw data of all datasets, please separately place them in corresponding folders at ./MFND3R/data.

We place ETT in the folder ./ETT-data, ECL in the folder ./electricity and weather in the folder ./weather of here (the folder tree in the link is shown as below) into folder ./data and rename them from ./ETT-data,./electricity and ./weather to ./ETT, ./ECL and./weather respectively. We rename the file of ECL from electricity.csv to ECL.csv and rename its last variable from OT to original MT_321.

| |-ETT-data
| | |-ETTh1.csv
| | |-ETTh2.csv
| | |-ETTm1.csv
| | |-ETTm2.csv
| |
| |-electricity
| | |-electricity.csv
| |
| |-weather
| | |-weather.csv

We place Solar in the folder ./financial and PEMS in the folder ./PEMS of here (the folder tree in the link is shown as below) into the folder ./data and rename them as ./Solar and ./PEMS respectively.

| |-financial
| | |-solar_AL.txt
| |
| |-PEMS
| | |-PEMS08.npz

As for M4 dataset, we place the folders ./Dataset and ./Point Forecasts of M4 (the folder tree in the link is shown as below) into the folder ./data/M4. Moreover, we unzip the file ./Point Forecasts/submission-Naive2.rar to the current directory.

| |-Dataset
| | |-Test
| | | |-Daily-test.csv
| | | |-Hourly-test.csv
| | | |-Monthly-test.csv
| | | |-Quarterly-test.csv
| | | |-Weekly-test.csv
| | | |-Yearly-test.csv
| | |-Train
| | | |-Daily-train.csv
| | | |-Hourly-train.csv
| | | |-Monthly-train.csv
| | | |-Quarterly-train.csv
| | | |-Weekly-train.csv
| | | |-Yearly-train.csv
| | |-M4-info.csv
| |-Point Forecasts
| | |-submission-Naive2.rar

Then you can get the folder tree shown as below:

| |-ECL
| | |-ECL.csv
| |
| |-ETT
| | |-ETTh1.csv
| | |-ETTh2.csv
| | |-ETTm1.csv
| | |-ETTm2.csv
| |
| |-M4
| | |-Dataset
| | | |-Test
| | | | |-Daily-test.csv
| | | | |-Hourly-test.csv
| | | | |-Monthly-test.csv
| | | | |-Quarterly-test.csv
| | | | |-Weekly-test.csv
| | | | |-Yearly-test.csv
| | | |-Train
| | | | |-Daily-train.csv
| | | | |-Hourly-train.csv
| | | | |-Monthly-train.csv
| | | | |-Quarterly-train.csv
| | | | |-Weekly-train.csv
| | | | |-Yearly-train.csv
| | | |-M4-info.csv
| | |-Point Forecasts
| | | |-submission-Naive2.csv
| |
| |-PEMS
| | |-PEMS08.npz
| |
| |-Ship
| | |-Ship1.csv
| | |-Ship2.csv
| |
| |-Solar
| | |-solar_AL.txt
| |
| |-weather
| | |-weather.csv


We select eight typical deep time series forecasting models based on CNN (SCINet), RNN (LSTNet), GNN (GTA), Transformer (Non-stationary Transformer, PatchTST, Crossformer) and Perceptron/MLP (DLinear, FiLM) as baselines in multivariate forecasting experiments. Two traditional time series forecasting models {ARIMA, Simple Exponential Smooth (SES)} and two deep forecasting model (N-HiTS, discover_PLF) are chosen as additional baselines only when handling the univariate dataset M4. Their source codes origins are given below:

Baseline Source Code
Non-stationary Transformer https://github.com/thuml/Nonstationary_Transformers
PatchTST https://github.com/yuqinie98/PatchTST
Crossformer https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/Crossformer
SCINet https://github.com/cure-lab/SCINet
LSTNet https://github.com/laiguokun/LSTNet
discover_PLF https://github.com/houjingyi-ustb/discover_PLF
DLinear https://github.com/cure-lab/LTSF-Linear
N-HiTS https://github.com/cchallu/n-hits
FiLM https://github.com/tianzhou2011/FiLM
GTA https://github.com/ZEKAICHEN/GTA

Moreover, the default experiment settings/parameters of aforementioned ten baselines are given below respectively:

Baselines Settings/Parameters name Descriptions Default mechanisms/values
Non-stationary Transformer d_model The number of hidden dimensions 512
d_ff Dimension of fcn 2048
n_heads The number of heads in multi-head attention mechanism 8
e_layers The number of encoder layers 2
d_layers The number of decoder layers 1
p_hidden_dims Hidden layer dimensions of projector (List) [128, 128]
p_hidden_layers The number of hidden layers in projector 2
PatchTST patch_len Patch length 16
stride The stride length 8
discover_PLF hidden_size The number of hidden dimensions 128
num_layers The number of decoder layers 1
Crossformer seq_len Segment length (L_seq) 6
d_model The number of hidden dimensions 64
d_ff Dimension of fcn 128
n_heads The number of heads in multi-head attention mechanism 2
e_layers The number of encoder layers 2
SCINet hidden-size The number of hidden dimensions 8
levels SCINet block levels 3
stacks The number of SCINet blocks 1
LSTNet hidCNN The number of CNN hidden units 100
hidRNN The number of RNN hidden units 100
window Window size 168
CNN_kernel The kernel size of the CNN layers 6
hidSkip The skip-length Recurrent-skip layer 24
DLinear moving_avg The window size of moving average 25
N-HiTS n_pool_kernel_size Pooling kernel size [4, 4, 4]
n_blocks The number of blocks in stacks [1, 1, 1]
n_x_hidden Coefficients hidden dimensions 512
n_freq_downsample The number of stacks' coefficients [64, 8, 1]
FiLM d_model The number of hidden dimensions 512
d_ff Dimension of fcn 2048
n_heads The number of heads in multi-head attention mechanism 8
e_layers The number of encoder layers 2
d_layers The number of decoder layers 1
modes1 The number of Fourier modes to multiply 32
GTA d_model The number of hidden dimensions 512
d_ff Dimension of fcn 2048
n_heads The number of heads in multi-head attention mechanism 8
e_layers The number of encoder layers 2
d_layers The number of decoder layers 1


Commands for training and testing MFND3R of all datasets are in ./scripts/MFND3R.sh.

More parameter information please refer to main.py.

We provide a complete command for training and testing MFND3R:

python -u main.py --model <model> --mode <mode> --data <data> --root_path <root_path> --features <features> --input_len <input_len> --pred_len <pred_len> --ODA_layers <ODA_layers> --VRCA_layers <VRCA_layers> --d_model <d_model> --learning_rate <learning_rate> --dropout <dropout> --batch_size <batch_size> --use_RevIN --train_epochs <train_epochs> --patience <patience> --itr <itr>

Here we provide a more detailed and complete command description for training and testing the model:

Parameter name Description of parameter
model The model of experiment. This can be set to MFND3R
mode Forecasting format
data The dataset name
root_path The root path of the data file
data_path The data file name
features The forecasting task. This can be set to M,S (M : multivariate forecasting, S : univariate forecasting
target Target feature in S task
checkpoints Location of model checkpoints
input_len Input sequence length
pred_len Prediction sequence length
enc_in Input size
c_out Output size
d_model Dimension of model
representation Representation dims in the end of the intra-reconstruction phase
dropout Dropout
ODA_layers The number of ODA layers
VRCA_layers The number of VRCA layers
alpha The significant level of Cucconi test
itr Experiments times
train_epochs Train epochs of the second stage
batch_size The batch size of training input data in the second stage
patience Early stopping patience
learning_rate Optimizer learning rate
loss Loss function
use_RevIN Whether to use RevIN


The experiment parameters of each data set are formated in the MFND3R.sh files in the directory ./scripts/. You can refer to these parameters for experiments, and you can also adjust the parameters to obtain better mse and mae results or draw better prediction figures.

Figure 2. Multivariate forecasting results

Figure 3. Univariate forecasting results


If you have any questions, feel free to contact Li Shen through Email (shenli@buaa.edu.cn) or Github issues. Pull requests are highly welcomed!


Source code of paper: MFND3R: Multivariate Forecasting Network with Deep Data-Driven Reconstruction for Engineering Application

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 86.2%Language:Shell 13.8%