Oric4ever / Z80onAVR

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Z80 and CP/M emulator by F.Frances, (C) 2019.

This targets ATmega processors with external SRAM such as ATmega161/162/640/1280/2560/1281/2561...

However, for speed efficiency, the emulator does not try to access the part of the external SRAM that is overlayed by the internal ram nor the first page reserved for the ATmega's I/Os. So the memory map accessible by the emulated Z80 is 0000-FAFF (mapped to the ATmega's 0500-FFFF).

The 1KB internal ram of the ATmega162 is used for a sector buffer (512 bytes), a few variables, and the AVR stack (used when calling a few C routines).


- I first wrote a 8080 emulator and added the Z80 instructions afterwards,
  so the mnemonics are those of the Intel 8080.
- a few opcodes are not implemented, I didn't encountered them when
  running programs on CP/M (eg. Z80 extended IO instructions, not used due
  to hardware abstraction given by CP/M's BIOS)
- N flag not implemented (memorizes if last operation was an addition or
  subtraction, for correct adjustement in DAA): DAA will always assume
  last operation was an addition...
- BCD handling not tested, and two extended BCD instructions (RLD,RRD) are
  not implemented...
- when accessing memory from AVR code, beware that the Z80 address space
  is translated: every page #n of the Z80 is mapped to the physical page


It depends on the Z80 instructions that are executed, but roughly I have
observed that a 16 MHz ATmega162 gives a ~ 7 or 8 MHz Z80...

Examples of instructions timing in AVR cycles (all memory accesses considered in external mem):

nop             =>   5 cycles
ld  a,b         =>   6 cycles
ld  e,10        =>   8 cycles
ld  b,(hl)      =>  11 cycles
ld  (hl),c      =>  11 cycles
ld  d,(ix+2)    =>  24 cycles
add b           =>   7 cycles
adc c           =>   8 cycles
and d           =>  16 cycles
inc bc          =>   7 cycles
inc c           =>   8 cycles
inc (hl)        =>  14 cycles
inc (iy-3)      =>  30 cycles
rar             =>   8 cycles
jp  addr        =>  14 cycles
jp  (hl)        =>   7 cycles
jr  disp        =>  12 cycles
jr  z,disp      =>  10/15 cycles
djnz disp       =>  10/15 cycles
call addr       =>  21 cycles
ret             =>  12 cycles
ldir            =>  10 cycles per byte



Language:Assembly 93.1%Language:C 5.1%Language:Makefile 1.9%