OrchardCMS / ImageSharp.Web

Middleware for ASP.NET-Core for image manipulation.

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ImageSharp ImageSharp.Web

ImageSharp.Web is piece of aspnetcore middleware leverage the ImageSharp graphics library.

Pre-release downloads are available from the MyGet package repository.

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At present the code is pre-release but when ready it will be available on Nuget.

Pre-release downloads

We already have a MyGet package repository - for bleeding-edge / development NuGet releases.


The ImageSharp library is made up of multiple packages.

Packages include:

  • ImageSharp.Web
    • Contains the middleware to intergrate a dynamic image manipulation workflro into an aspnetcore application.

Manual build

If you prefer, you can compile ImageSharp yourself (please do and help!), you'll need:

Alternatively on Linux you can use:

To clone it locally click the "Clone in Windows" button above or run the following git commands.

git clone https://github.com/SixLabors/ImageSharp.Web


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Middleware for ASP.NET-Core for image manipulation.


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