OrangeTux / nvim-config

My nvim configuration tailered to Python and Rust development

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nvim/ contains configuration for nvim. Copy the content of nvim/ to ~/.config. Install packer. Now, start nvim and run :PackerSync to install all dependencies..

Next, run :MasonInstall bash-language-server black pyright rust-analyzer.

Some packages might depend on npm. Make sure to install that.

The configuration is tailored to Python and Rust development.


Some key maps:

Key combinations action
gd Go to definition of symbol under cursor
ga Show all symbols in workspace
g0 Show all symbols in buffer
K Display information of symbol under cursor (e.g type or documentation)
<Leader>r Rename symbol under cursor


Some key maps:

Key combinations action
<Leader>b Format buffer
<Leader>a Show code actions in quick fix window
<Leader>ff Find file in workspace
<Leader>dn List all diagnstics in workspace.


Auto-complete in Python. auto complete using cmp

Find symbol in buffer. Find symbol


My nvim configuration tailered to Python and Rust development


Language:Lua 100.0%