Orange-OpenSource / Tota11ylost

Escape game qui a pour objectif de vous offrir une expérience immersive, vous sensibilisant plus particulièrement aux défis auxquels sont confrontés les personnes en situation de handicap numérique

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comOrange-OpenSource/Tota11ylostRepository from Github https://github.comOrange-OpenSource/Tota11ylost

Tota11y Lost

Get the project files

In your workspace directory :

git clone

Deploy it

You need to serve the project. For example :

Install Node.js (depends on your platform).

Install http-server : (in a console)

npm i -g http-server

Start the server : (in your project directory)

cd src

Display the escape game : (in your browser)


Good to know

  • To use the project locally, you must copy the firebaseConfig.js file to /src.
  • If you access scores.html directly, the current score will not be saved. For it to be so, you must go to scores.html?store=true.
  • You can reduce the hint wait time to 10 seconds by adding ?debug=true to your page URL.


Escape game qui a pour objectif de vous offrir une expérience immersive, vous sensibilisant plus particulièrement aux défis auxquels sont confrontés les personnes en situation de handicap numérique

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:HTML 65.8%Language:JavaScript 29.3%Language:CSS 5.0%