OpenZeppelin / compound-security-policies

Security roles and responsibilities for Compound

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Compound Security Policies

This respository is intended to define the various, roles, responsibilities, and use cases surrounding the usage and function of the Compound Pause Guardian.


The following table outlines the various stakeholders and their roles within the Compound Finance ecosystem. Note: the stakeholder groups are not mutually exclusive.

Group Primary Role Within Compound
Protocol Contributors Operations and Development
OpenZeppelin Security Services
Gauntlet Risk Management
Multisig Members Contract Administrative Actions
Community Governance

Protocol contributors includes Compound Labs, community members, and other parties invested in the operations and development of Compound.

Current Community Multisig Members

Member Address
Paul L. (Gauntlet) 0xDD659911EcBD4458db07Ee7cDdeC79bf8F859AbC
0age (OpenSea) 0x7e4A8391C728fEd9069B2962699AB416628B19Fa
arr00 0x2B384212EDc04Ae8bB41738D05BA20E33277bf33
blck 0x54A37d93E57c5DA659F508069Cf65A381b61E189
Jared F. 0xF515DCb89e67bb5D52b857d11f6C0cC2aD7D0167
TennisBowling 0xC3AaE58Ab81663872dd36d73613eb295b167F546


Each network has a dedicated Gnosis Safe multisig pause guardian that can be used to execute pause functionality or modify configurations to minimize risk.

The multisig configuration can be copied to a new chain using the script create-safe-copy.js script provided by OpenZeppelin in the defender-multisig-setup/ folder of the Compound Cross Chain Pause Demo project.

Threshold: 4/6 Signers: Gauntlet, Protocol Contributors, Community Members

Once a safe has been copied to a new chain, the safe signers will perform a signing ceremony to ensure that all users are able to sign transactions. The transaction should not be executed until all 6 signers have signed the transaction. Ideally, the transaction will execute a restricted function on the Comet contract, however this is not a strict requirement as this can be tested separately later.

Signing Process

Multisig Owners are expected to sign the transaction within 30 minutes of it being proposed.

  1. One signer creates the transaction and signs it
  2. Two more signers sign the transaction
  3. When prepared to execute, one last signer signs and executes the transaction

Gas fees for executing the transaction can be paid with funds from the operator faucet by executing the transaction through the operator faucet relayer in Defender. For this, the execution strategy for the relayer should be set to


Risk Management Guidance

Owner: Gauntlet

Provide guidance to the Multisig Members on managing risk during a security incident. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Identify market conditions that pose a risk to Compound, such as:
    • Asset price levels
    • COMP distribution
    • Liquidity levels in borrowing and lending pools
  • Advise on interest rates and borrow/supply limits

For all of the above, Gauntlet should also advise on risk mitigation actions, specifically as it relates to implementing pauses on specific actions during potentially risky events.

Security Best Practices and Alerting

Owner: OpenZeppelin

  • Develop, monitor, and review security alerting
    • Perform additional investigation to determine if alerting poses a security risk to the protocol
  • Provide guidance on security best practices for implementing pause functionality


Owner: Community, Protocol Contributors, and OpenZeppelin

Protocol Contributors and the community will ensure that all contracts are audited prior to deployoment. OpenZeppelin will typically take the lead in performing audits, however, the community may choose to get additional audits independent of OpenZeppelin.


Owner: Multisig Members and OpenZeppelin

Signers for the multisig of a particular chain are responsible for initiating pauses on specific functionality in the presence of a security incident.


Owner: Community

In v2, once a pause is in place, it can only be unpaused by a community governance proposal by the DAO and therefore is subject to the 7 day governance process.

In v3, the pause guardian multisig can directly unpause without going through a governance proposal.

Contract Upgrades

Owner: Protocol Contributors

Develop and test contract upgrades. In addition, OpenZeppelin will provide guidance on mitigating security issues and perform audits on contract upgrades intended to resolve security concerns.


Security roles and responsibilities for Compound