This code is known to be high risk , but also early-adopter friendly.
We will remove this warning from the repository when it is no longer required.
This manifest is used to download an i.MX Yocto Project manifest.
Requires gcc-arm-none-eabi, tup, and python-pillow for building: sudo add-apt-repository 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/anatol/tup/ubuntu precise main' sudo add-apt-repository 'ppa:terry.guo/gcc-arm-embedded' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tup gcc-arm-none-eabi python-pillow
To download:
repo init -u git@github.com:3drobotics/3dr-arm-yocto-bsp.git -b imx-3.10.17-1.0.0_ga repo sync
This will download both Yocto Project community and the meta-fsl-bsp-release layer, as well as the 3DR layer.
To set up your build environment:
source ./setup-environment build
To build the 3dr image:
MACHINE=imx6solo-3dr-artoo bitbake 3dr-controller
MACHINE=imx6solo-3dr-1080p bitbake 3dr-solo
The only difference between this and other ( unreleased) branches of 3dr-arm-yocto-bsp is the branch of the meta-3dr
repo that is referenced.
The tarball is from the imx-3.10.17-1.0.0_ga
branch other/s say:
<project remote="3dr" revision="sololink_v2.1.0-2" name="meta-3dr" path="sources/meta-3dr"/>
<project remote="3dr" revision="sololink_v2.0.0-5" name="meta-3dr" path="sources/meta-3dr"/>