OpenNeuroDatasets / ds005371

OpenNeuro dataset - Test-retest reliability of multi-metabolite edited MRS at 3T using PRESS and sLASER

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# Test-retest reliability of multi-metabolite edited MRS at 3T using PRESS and sLASER

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## Overview

These data were collected as part of a study to assess the test-retest reliability of multi-metabolite edited MRS using the [HERMES]( and [HERCULES]( editing schemes and the [PRESS]( and [sLASER]( localization approaches.

Data types included are defaced *T*<sub>1</sub>-weighted 3D structural MRI images and HERMES- and HERCULES-edited PRESS and sLASER data.

## Methods

### Subjects

Sixteen healthy adults (10 females, 6 males, mean age = 38.4 years).

### MR protocol

MR data were acquired using a 3T GE Discovery MR750 MRI scanner using a <sup>1</sup>H 32-channel RF phased-array head coil for receive and a body coil for transmit.

#### MRI

*T*<sub>1</sub>-weighted FSPGR BRAVO structural MRI acquisition parameters:

- Voxel resolution = 0.9 × 0.9 × 1.5 mm<sup>3</sup>
- TE/TR/TI (ms) = 5.2/12.2/725
- Flip angle = 7°
- Slices = 124
- FOV = 256 × 256 mm<sup>2</sup>
- Matrix size = 256 × 256
- Parallel acquisition technique: GRAPPA
- Parallel acquisition factor: 2

#### MRS

General MRS acquisition parameters:

- Volume of interest = medial parietal lobe
- Voxel resolution = 30 × 30 × 30 mm<sup>3</sup>
- Spectral width = 2000 Hz
- Number of points = 2048


- TE/TR = 35/2000 ms
- Number of transients = 224


- TE/TR = 68 (for standard GABA editing) or 80 (for symmetric macromolecule suppression)/2000 ms
- Number of transients = 224


OpenNeuro dataset - Test-retest reliability of multi-metabolite edited MRS at 3T using PRESS and sLASER

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal