OpenGrid / API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Test Server

Regular transactional API is located at Testnet Server is available at

Testnet wallets

If you're willing to use Testnet coins with our Testnet server you should use appriopriate Wallet. We suggest using

Testnet faucets

If you need to topup testnet coins use the following faucets or google one:

Testnet explorers

You can monitor testnet transactions on the following sites:

Simple PHP app

Following PHP class allows for API interaction: phplib InPay

To generate payment request just issue call to /invoice/create. This method will generate payment URL which can be used to redirect customers to the payment gateway. It is also recommended to supply parameters with callbackUrl. This way you'll receive status POST form data notifications to your own service. Alternatively you can poll actively invoice status using /invoice/status


To be able to create payment requests you need to set up an account and fetch your API keys

Attribute Meaning
apiKey Your public API key
secretApiKey Your secret API key used for message signing and verification. Do not share with anyone


Method /invoice/create accepts following POST form-data arguments :

Attribute Meaning
apiKey string your public API key
amount float amount in local currency 123.25
currency string local currency name. Accepted values: PLN, EUR, USD
optData string optional urlencoded query string key=value&key2=value2, which will be added to a callback to your service
orderCode string optional client order id
description string optional description
customerEmail string optional email
callbackUrl url optional callback URL to your service which will receive payment status updates
successUrl url optional URL to redirect your client after succesful payment
failUrl url optional URL to redirect your client if payment fails for some reason

Returned JSON object

Attribute Meaning
invoiceCode invoice unique ID generated by InPay
redirectUrl you should redirect to this URL

Initiate payment

Redirect user to redirectUrl.

After succesful payment user will be redirected to succcessUrl or failUrl.

A callbackUrl will receive (POST) status updates :

Attribute Meaning
orderCode your previosly supplied order code
amount amount in local currency
currency local currency
fee fee taken if applies
invoiceCode unique InPay invoice ID
status current payment status
optData additional query parameters given at /invoice/create

callbackUrl has a header attribute called API-Hash. It is a SHA512 hash of all above attirbutes combined with your API private key.

Below a simple script that checks the signature of transmitted data signed by header attribute API-Hash:

  function checkApiHash() {
    $secretApiKey = 'yourPrivateAPIkeySecret';
    $apiHash = $_SERVER['HTTP_API_HASH'];
    $query = http_build_query($_POST);
    $hash = hash_hmac("sha512", $query, $secretApiKey);
    return $apiHash == $hash;


Use this method if you're willing to poll invoice status yourself. Just POST (form-data) invoiceCode as a parameter.

Returned JSON object:

Attribute Meaning
open_date invoice creation date (2014-04-15 16:01:01)
close_date invoice full payment date (2014-04-15 16:01:01)
expire_date invoice expiration date (2014-04-15 16:01:01)
secondsFromOpenToExpire expiration date in seconds (1200)
secondsToExpire expiration date in seconds left (1142)
received_amount received amount until now (1234567 Satoshi = 0.00000001 BTC)
received_currency cryptocurrency name (BTC)
in_amount requested amount in local currency * 100 (np. 1000 dla 10 PLN)
in_currency requested local currency name PLN, EUR, USD
expected_amount integer requested amount in cryptocurrency
expected_currency cryptocurrency denominator (satoshi)
input_address unique cryptocurrency input (payment) address (mwTNRX6A1E9TNH9JcLqt9eVhJo6zeDsYs7)
btcAmount amount in floating point format, 5 decimal points (0.12345)
btcLink BIP 0021 url with intent, amount and description (bitcoin:mwTNRX6A1E9TNH9JcLqt9eVhJo6zeDsYs7?amount=0.01192708)
invoice_code Unique invoice ID: (PURGAM4BQHN9J3L)
status current status - see below
confirmations current number of confirmations

Payment QR codes

You can also fetch payment QR code image/png using /qr/invoice/{invoice_code} GET request where {invoice_code} is a unique invoice code generated during /invoice/create

Payment statuses

Attribute Meaning
new waiting for payment
received payment registered and waiting for confirmation
confirmed payment confirmed by InPay
paid payment included in closed settlement and sent to your bank account
expired payment expired
invalid payment to low, waiting for missing amount
overpaid payment overpaid
refund payment refunded

If you're polling for /invoice/status, check until status confirmed


License:MIT License